
38 Fun Images to Help You Solve Life's Problems

The R-B Paradox says that if things are bad, they might as well be really bad. Hopefully, these funny memes pics, and tweets can help make your things not bad at all.

More specifically, the Region-Beta Paradox suggests that when things are just a bit bat, it's worse than when they're really bad. The reason being, we tend to endure situations that are only a bit bad out of fear things could be worse, and the effort it takes to change. However, when things are really bad from the start, we have the motivation to change them right away. Thus, we make things right and spend more overall time happy when things start out really bad. 

But here at eBaum's we'd rather things weren't bad at all, so we put together this grouping of funny memes, tweets, and random pics. Out of these 38 images, there's sure to be something that you'll like, from cool ice caves to a fast but not-so-furious meme. And if you don't like anything, per the Region-Beta Paradox, maybe that's a good thing. 

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