20 Truly Unhinged Posts for People Born Before 1964
- The baby boomer generation gets really upset when the...
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29 Spectacular Fails, Flounders, and Facepalms That...
- These might give you secondhand embarrassment.
No One on Facebook Marketplace Knows How to Photograph...
- "Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them...
17 Brain-Dead Posts From The Dumb People Among Us
- These are the people who make us feel better about...
Boss Continues to Deny One Employee's Vacation...
- It's way past time this person find a new job.
24 People Online Who Think They're Smart
- Are you a big brain genius with a top 1% IQ of 130+?
21 Plumbing Horror Stories That Will Clog Your Brain
- Plumbing is by definition, a gross profession.
23 Entitled Brats Who Think They’re the Main...
- For some reason, posting online gives these people the...
26 Times People Were Shocked By Their Guest's Bad...
- People who were real unpleasant.
31 'White Knights' Who Will Do Anything to Get a Date
- Please go support the feminist movement, but do it for...
Leonardo da Vinci's Greatest Inventions
- Leonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest geniuses in...
20 Drivers Who Are a Mechanic's Worst Nightmare
- They give anyone a license these days!
16 Bad Bosses and Terrible Managers Who Don't Lead By...
- Sometimes bosses are people from a different planet.
The Funniest and Strangest Headlines of the Weekend
- Why is George Bush’s daughter on morning television...
21 of the Funniest Thing a Doctor Said to Someone
- It's important to keep a sense of humor in every...
18 Pizzas That Are On The Border On Being Criminal Acts
- Have you heard the phrase even bad pizza is still...
Revenge of the Week: Fed Up Employee Gets Back at...
- Annoyed that her nepo free-loading boss was taking all...
Employer Calls the Cops on Fired Ex-Employee Trying to...
- When you're on the hook for wage theft, maybe don't...
20 Sets of Stairs You Don’t Want to Climb on a...
- While the end of a good night out feels great in the...
20 Scientific Facts That People Don't Believe
- Once something is disproven beyond a shadow of a...
22 Trashy People Who Are Absolutely Made for Each Other
- Love comes in all shapes, sizes and dirt levels.
18 Headlines That Will Convince You to Take a Train
- From planes sliding off of icy runways, to more door...
21 People Who Quit Without Notice Share the Straw That...
- Quitting on the spot means your current situation is...
20 Certifiably Looney Headlines From the Weekend
- In 2024, you have to personally inspect planes...
18 People With Terrible Taste But Great Execution
- Everyone's tastes are different. Some love the finer...
47 Unfortunate People Already Having a Bad 2024
- New year, new me, same old problems. When life hands...
22 Hilariously Awful Listings Found on Facebook...
- You won't find any quality assurance here.
Job Poster Exposes the Back End of LinkedIn and How...
- Any current job seeker will tell you that the hiring...
20 Punny Dad Jokes to Pull Your Finger
- There are two types of people in this world; Punny...
Twitter Users Share Stories About the Worst Teacher...
- We’ve all had our fair share of nightmare teachers...
20 Sad and Lonely People Who Are Proudly Pet-Free
- These are the main enemies of dogs at outdoor...
19 of the Oddest Headlines of the Week
- Lego drug busts, Emmy Drag Goblins, and the oldest...
19 Times OSHA Safety Regulations Were Violated
- Have you ever walked past a job site and thought,...
'Imposter Syndrome Final Boss': Guy With a PhD Just...
- Getting a Ph.D. is one of the most impressive things...
18 Live TV Fails and Bloopers That Left Viewers...
- Explore the hilarious and cringe-worthy world of news...
15 Times When People Did Not See the Humor
- The humor went right over their heads.
20 Hilarious Dog Memes That Any Pet Owner Can Relate...
- Three wise men from the Caribbean once asked, “Who...
19 Insane Childhood Stories As Told By Twitter Users
- A recent Twitter prompt asked users what their...
36 Fails and Facepalms Crushing Your Hope for Future...
- People will do anything to be hip these days,...
18 Regrettable Teenage Selfies We Can All Relate Too
- We were the real cringe lords.
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