Revenge on the HOA: Guy Puts a $31 Dollar Lien on...
- After taking the HOA to court while trying to find out...
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Unhinged Karen Goes Nuclear Against Clueless Neighbors
- Karen's gonna Karen.
Loser Dad Demands Participation Ribbon For Son, Ends...
- Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it.
Entitled Owner Causes His Own Store to Shut Down After...
- This POS vendor has no issue doing exactly what he was...
Manager Demands to Use Worse System, Chaos Ensues
- The employees always know what's best.
Workers Destroy Management Bathrooms After Removing...
- A new kind of biological warfare.
Woman Gets Former Neighbor’s Car Towed After They...
- Don't mess with someone's parking space.
Wife Books a Flight Home After Hearing Husband...
- Everything was going okay until she overheard her...
Boss Makes Sick Employee Get Doctor’s Note, So They...
- Thanks to a petty doctor, this employee gets their...
Incompetent Boss Sabatoges Himself By Demanding...
- This employee enacts the simplest revenge by just...
Postal Worker Sends Entitled Karen to Prison
- "Do not mess with the mail. You will go to prison for...
27 Surprising Industry Secrets That Were Spilled By...
- What really goes on behind the scenes at different...
Don’t Tell HR That You Came in Your Pants
- This story comes to us from the subreddit, Today I...
16 People Who Had Wholesome Celebrity Encounters
- When idols live up to expectations.
25 Movie Flaws That Instantly Ruin the Experience
- We all love movies for different reasons. In fact,...
Short Horror Stories That Stare at Us While We’re...
- Telling scary stories is a tough art form in itself....
15 People Who Had the Worst Neighbors Imaginable
- Neighbors can be funny, stupid, or at times weird....
15 Spine-chilling 'Home Alone' Stories From the Web
- Sometimes scary things happen at the most random...
25 Movies People Can Recognize Based on a Single Quote
- Sometimes, the best part of a movie is the dialogue....
25 Movies That Would Be Incredibly Awkward If You...
- We've all had that weird experience of watching a...
25 Older Films That Are Still Awesome to Watch
- There is no shortage of new movies coming out. From...
10 Scary Short Stories To Keep You Up At Night
- Are you craving some creepypasta? Here are ten great...
From Destiny to Dark Souls: How Devs Gave Up On Good...
- When’s the last time you fell in love with a video...
15 Innocent Games With Dark Backstories
- Most video game stories are pretty simple. Stomp the...
Salesman Makes Good on Promise to Have Manager's Job...
- This is how to successfully put a bad manager in check.
29 People No One Would Ever Invite Back to Their House
- Some of these stories are just brutal.
15 Great Stories and Plots in Video Games
- Some games we play for the action and fighting...
23 Beautiful Tattoos That Are Full of Feels
- These tats were definitely inked with love.
French Kid Reading First Book in English Gets...
- A genuinely hilarious case of linguistic...
Guy Leaves Flowers on Empty Grave For Years Without...
- This guy thought he was doing something nice for the...
Lady Accidentally Breaks Up a Marriage
- What a way to find out!
Woman Recounts the Time She Got Lost in a German...
- If you can survive that level of embarrassment, you...
Thread About an Alien Invasion Being Fought Off By...
- Dang nature, you scary.
Entitled Grandmother Steals Her Granddaughter's Brand...
- This "Grandmonster" took clothes from her own...
Goofy Actor Shares A Story From His Time Working At...
- This heartwarming story about what it's like to work...
10 Accidental Nudity Stories You'll Wish You Had Seen
- Stories from Reddit about the time people caught a...
Guy Gets A T-Rex Like His Mother Forbid Him Years Ago...
- Never too late to have childhood dreams fulfilled.
Guy's Awkwardness with Girl May Just Have Saved His...
- He was kicking himself for saying "no" to going home...
Truck Driver Shares Insane Story About an A**Hole...
- That was one angry monkey!
Woman Trolls A Group Chat of Old Ladies That She Was...
- These old ladies had no idea what hit them until it...
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