Oklahoma Tornado Destroys Gas Station
- High speed winds and and deadly destruction.
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CCTV Footage of Prague Explosion
- The blast injured 40 people.
Harlem Shake Goes Terribly Wrong
- Everyone killed the harlem shake, now its back for...
Meanwhile At Cooter's Garage...
- A wannabe mechanic almost burns his house down!
Russian Cop Falls Head Over Heels
- A good looking woman makes this cop get all tripped up!
Stealing Gasoline: A Lesson In Epic Failure
- Gives new meaning to the phrase "hang on honey"!
Exxon - Energy Everywhere (Parody)
- Comedy video skewers Exxon over Mayflower, Arkansas...
A Water Well Blowout Nutshot
- Idiots try and drill a water well and hilarity ensues!
Proof That News Is Scripted
- Not surprising, the mass media outlets are owned by...
Car Explodes At Gas / Propane Station
- Ok... time to switch to electric cars!
Truck Blows Up at The Gas Pump
- What's the worst that could happen when pumping gas? ...
Dumpin Donuts?
- A woman confuses dunkin donuts for "dumpin dounts"!
Alki David's Fart Promptly Ends Interview
- Don't want to be interviewed, follow this genius...
Propane Truck Explosion At Gas Station
- Hank Hill just died a little bit inside watching...
Woman Purchaes Fake iPad At Gas Station
- She might have noticed, if her glasses had lenses.
Dude Gets Owned By Automatic Doors
- He runs full speed into them.
Motorcycle On Fire Explodes
- Bike on fire in a busy parking lot...Wait for the...
Luckiest Guy In Russia
- Guy barely escapes accident at a gas station...I think...
Gas Station Design Fail
- One would expect gas stations to have a more robust...
Never Use a Lighter at a Gas Station
- This dude found out the hard way.
Impressive Entry into the Gas Station
- He said, "Come in through the doOOooor!"
Rottweilers Attack People at a Gas Station
- Who let the dogs out
Car Fun Facts
- Okay, admittedly Ms. Green Stuff's fun facts are more...
Gas Station Robbery Backfires
- The clerk at a Houston gas station gives two robbers a...
Troops Endure Tear Gas Training
- This looks like it would blow.
Gas Attendent Gets Spun Like a Record
- While attempting to pump gas...possible Darwin Award...
Car Crashes Into Gas Pumps
- Hellacious crash at full speed
Van Crashes into Store
- He crashes into the store then backs up and crashes...
Jerusalem UFO - Dual Cams
- Let me guess, more swamp gas / Chinese balloons or...
Screw Iron Man, This is Fire Man
- He's a witch, we must burn him!
Philadelphia Natural Gas Explosion
- "Oh man! The whole street went bloom!," Jim Campoli,...
Riots in Tunisia - Government Collapses
- yes, people are pissed, many have lost their life...
Gas Station Women Brawl
- Fight club: black women style.
Man In Wheelchair Stops Robbery
- If you can stop a robber in a wheelchair, what can't...
Match In The Gas Tank Boom Boom
- gas tank explodes in huge fireball
Grampa Fire Dancer
- he does a lovely twirl
Fuel Truck Goes BOOM!
- Crashed fuel truck explodes as crews try to tip it...
Soft Core Gas Station Porn?!?! WTF !?!
- What is she doing? Is pumping gas that sexy?
Gas Powered Lay-Z-Boy
- The ultimate in redneck technology.
Church Group Prays For Lower Gas Prices!
- Thou shalt strike down the prices of gasoline with thy...
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