Landslide Takes Out Train
- A train triggers some unstable land to slide onto the...
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TRAIN Plow-Sled
- CN Rail Plow...awesome!
Train Hits Sewage Truck
- I bet that smelled good after the impact.
Best Thriller Cover Ever
- Man on the train sings Micheal Jackson's Thriller.
Parenting FAIL
- Mother holding her child doesn't realize where she's...
Train Horn on Scooter
- It's like an alarm clock, WOO WOO!
Man Plays Chicken With Train
- In Soviet Russia, train catches you!
1073 LB Deadlift With Torn Bicep
- Where's the rest of the truck?
Bath Salts Are a Hell of a Drug
- This dude riding the train says it all.
Instant Karma
- Do stupid things to others and in the end you're the...
Epic Rail
- In this tricky puzzle skill game you have to change...
Bus Crash Causes Double Train Crash
- El Cinema.
Epic Drunk Subway Fight...
- Going at it like champs...such finesse!
Shortest Train Evar
- Don't blink or ya might miss it
Extreme Train Surfing
- Like a boss!
13 Year Old Hit By High Speed Train
- Amazingly he escaped with his life. Gets back up, and...
Train Horn Pranks
- you all got got.
Men Fight Over The Last Seat on the Train
- Just another day in Harlem......oh wait what!?
How to Avoid an Oncoming Train
- Problem?
Japanese Train Goes 300 MPH
- Always one step ahead of us.
Intense Shoe Licker
- nom nom nom nom
Crazy Naked Racist on the 6 Train
- Crazy naked racist goes on a tirade, gets naked, and...
Car Nearly Gets Hit by a Train
- damn.....just missed
Idiot Almost Gets Run Over by Train
- Maybe it should have gotten him.
Crackhead Talking Hard Gets Told and Starts Crying
- "I never laid a hand on a woman on my fuckin' life,...
In Burma, Train catch you!
- damn, guess old / fat people don't take the train over...
Dream Guy Knows How To Please His Girlfriend In Public...
- He even used a hanky. What a gentleman.
All Aboard The Cooch Train!
- Looks like a fun Wedding.
Perverted Train Conductor News Report
- Frolicking Train Drivers.
Subway Perv Called Out
- This is why I don't use public transportation (Clark...
3 Year Old Boy Pat Down At Airport
- Quick! Search that midget with the Thomas Train back...
Do Not Fall Asleeep on the Train
- because face plants on cam is embarrassing
Brawl Between Soccer Hooligans
- One group is on the train, and clearly the other is...
Bad Parking = Happy Engineer
- A truck parks too close to the train tracks...much to...
Kid Plays Chicken with Train
- He'll only lose once
Train Conductor Feeds Flying Raven
- That's so raven
Close Call
- This guy comes within millimeters of being killed. So...
Train Bridge Jump Faceplant
- its always a good idea to jump off a train bridge into...
Taiwanese Metro Pole Dance
- Do you know any other country with strippers...
Kid Thrown Onto Train Tracks in Belgium
- Has anyone mentioned the ethnicity of the young...
eBaum's Picks