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      • Workers were told not to shout, protest or do anything that could be "viewed as resistance." Hmm, they do this in Communist China, Russia and North Korea.
      • Aug, 19 2019 12:06am
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For Majority of Hate Crimes
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For...

      • When I first saw the 226% figure my initial thought was this is misleading, an exaggerated figure by the left leaning WaPo. WaPo concluded that they were unsure if these hate crimes could be attributed to Drumpf. Fact is after his rallies hate crimes in those counties increased more than normal. Considering ADL is closely centrist, I do not dispute the ADL Heat Map nor do I dispute how WaPo arrived at the 226% hate crime figure.
      • Aug, 8 2019 05:39pm
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For Majority of Hate Crimes
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For...

      • FBI director Christopher Wray told the Senate that domestic terrorist arrests in 2019 thus far have involved white nationalism. Here's the problem the gov't must resolve now: 1) No United States government agency is responsible for designating domestic terrorism organizations; Not the FBI, not DHS. 2) There is no criminal charge of domestic terrorism. 3) Individuals who are considered domestic terrorists are charged under other existing laws, such as hate crime, gun and conspiracy statutes. The DOJ has not made recommendations to Drumpf and to Congress, nor has not Drumpf spoken, tweeted, or acted on this...lazy bastard.
      • Aug, 8 2019 12:30am
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For Majority of Hate Crimes
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For...

      • White extremism has been around since the first settlers. The ADL reports every year, the snapshot represents a decade of white extremism. ADL reports "The extremist-related murders in 2018 were overwhelmingly linked to right-wing extremists. Every one of the perpetrators had ties to at least one right-wing extremist movement, although one had recently switched to supporting Islamist extremism. White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of the killings, which is typically the case.
      • Aug, 8 2019 12:21am
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For Majority of Hate Crimes
    • Right Wing Extremist Responsible For...

      • Drumpf plays hate crime down. Following the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand that killed 50 people, Drumpf said that he did not believe white nationalism was a rising threat despite evidence that far right extremists and white supremacists were responsible for a majority of extremist related deaths. Today, flags are at half mast. Tomorrow August 8 (8/8), Drumpf has ordered them to full. The eighth letter is H; 8/8 or H/H is a white supremacist symbol representing Heil Hitler.
      • Aug, 7 2019 09:44pm


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