    • DMCA - Riot Cop Violently Blindsides Girl During Arizona Riots
    • Riot Cop Violently Blindsides Girl

      • The good citizens tax dollars hard at work. An excellent example of heroism by a brave police officer, helping to ensure the safety of the community..
      • Apr, 1 2014 04:59am
    • DMCA - Riot Cop Violently Blindsides Girl During Arizona Riots
    • Riot Cop Violently Blindsides Girl

      • Hahahahaha! That is so cute that you believe that. You're probably right, he couldnt have ust told her to stop or stepped in front of her to redirect her. I think the point of alot of these protests is to speak out about police excessive use of force. This clip proves that point, it seems to be over your head though.
      • Apr, 1 2014 04:59am
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the World!
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the...

      • One more thing. Pretty well all these cities where the noises are occurring, have rail lines or yards in them/around them. Sounds like trains being switched out and echo's from metal pulling/dragging (usually happens when trains are pulling with a bit of break on).
      • Jan, 28 2014 11:26pm
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the World!
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the...

      • Very fake, Costa Rica sounded like a recording being played and believe me...Montreal would be buried in snow that time of year. That video was clearly taken around late Ma early June, definitely not middle of January! This video is just stupid! And NO, I am not a reptilian overlord trying to save face!
      • Jan, 28 2014 11:23pm
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the World!
    • Very Strange Sounds Heard Round the...

      • ??? Not a lot of snow around these areas for middle of January? Something weird about that! I think this post is a little doctored, I wouldn't un for the hills just yet.
      • Jan, 28 2014 11:14pm
    • The  Unsung Hero Award: Cochran Family
    • The Unsung Hero Award: Cochran Family

      • There's haters out there....big fucking surprise! I'm just going to cover the assholes comments. #1: Newsflash! he's a kid. #2 He's a kid with more compassion for people than every negative asshole posting here combined. #3: Spunktrumpet911 Obviously you suffer from some kind of ego driven anger for something you feel you never got credit for. I wont insult based on where you are from, but I have a pretty damn good idea based on your cruel comments. The kid loves his sister. If this kind of thing pisses you off so much, don't watch it, go back to watching your porn you lonely self absorbed prick. That being said, lets see the jerkoff haters work their best insults into a creamy lather and bring it on! You are the cause of the decay of western civilization. Hopefully someday you grow out of your ignorant personalities, and join the rest of the "good" world and learn to love your neighbor. There is peace in it, give it a try, you may wind up happy for once in your life.
      • Jan, 25 2014 08:04am


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