    • Shocking Moments In History
    • Shocking Moments In History

      • Mike, your mom's calling...time for lunch little that Res and Gonz are done giving her the shaky H.
      • Aug, 11 2014 06:08pm
    • Bad things to throw away
    • Bad things to throw away

      • #2 Funny that this bullshit nanny state we in the US live in banned incandescent light bulbs...CFL's are much worse for the environment, even taking the lower energy usage into account.
      • Aug, 8 2014 05:38pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies - Classic
    • Atheistic Tendencies - Classic

      • Hitler was NOT an atheist...and whether any of the ones you mentioned were or weren't atheist, they didn't commit their atrocities in the name of atheism like the others did in the name of their religion. That is the point...atheism didn't claim any lives, megalomaniacal dictators did.
      • Aug, 8 2014 05:30pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies
    • Atheistic Tendencies

      • Maybe they can pray that they won't be tortured like the blasphemeous and heretical atheists through history. Lets see how far that gets them.
      • Aug, 8 2014 02:49pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies
    • Atheistic Tendencies

      • Baaaaa....Baaaaaa. Look at me...I am a Catholic sheep. You have bought into one of the biggest cons in the history of the world. Congratulations, you certainly aren't are one in 1.18 BILLION sheep. Baaaa....baaaa...baaaa!
      • Aug, 8 2014 01:48pm
    • Atheistic Tendencies
    • Atheistic Tendencies

      • It is at the point now where I don't even bother to thumb him down...much less read the babble...just scroll fast, while hearing the words BLAH BLAH BLAH repeat in my head, until I get to the bottom. Which takes a is kind of like standing in an elevator...just waiting for it to end and it always takes longer than you thought.
      • Aug, 8 2014 01:43pm
    • 18 Facts that you might not know
    • 18 Facts that you might not know

      • #7 This 'fact' is false and contradictory to actual facts. The US isn't 400 years old, there are no living former slaves, and the vast majority of the slave trade was West Africans selling slaves to Western Europeans who then in turn sold them in the Americas.
      • Aug, 7 2014 07:03pm


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