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      • I can admit it was a littly hypocritical. Im not the most innocent of girls. But I do not going around slepeing with every guy I meet in order for him to remember my name. If kyekye could simply point out the flaws in my blogs without being a total and complete asshole I could respect him.
      • Oct, 17 2008 09:24pm
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      • Warlok. Get a lif. If you don't like my blogs then don't read them. Plain and simple.
      • Oct, 17 2008 09:16pm
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      • Actual conversation with me. You dont see me in school and what kind of grades I get. Grow up. Get a life. Then take it. :)
      • Oct, 17 2008 09:07pm
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      • If you have such an issue with me and my blogs then stop reading them. I can guarentee that you wouldn't have the balls to say any of this to my face because you are sad pathetic little man who gets off hidding behind his keyboard while he insults complete strangers. Just stop reading them OK. I'm not coming into you're house and forcing you to read them. Obviously you keep on seeking ym blogs out. But why. If you wish to intult me thats fine. But you've taken it to far. I could soend three weks planning a blog so aamazing and perfect and you would still post comments like that dribble up there. Let me say again you would enver say this to my face because you sir have no balls. If I were standing face to face with you you mighjt say a couple things but then you'd get a fist in the face. ANd you find my blogs stupid. Boohoo cry you'reself to sleep over it. Maybe there are people who enjoy reading them. Just beacuse you are Mr.Negetivity does not mean I am stupid. You've never had an act
      • Oct, 17 2008 09:03pm
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      • Dude. She likes it when guys know that she's easy. And she's been having sex since she was 11.
      • Oct, 17 2008 08:40pm
    • Mean Old Man  M.O.M
    • Mean Old Man M.O.M

      • The legal age in Canada is 14 as long as it is not wiht a person of authority or trust.
      • Oct, 16 2008 11:42pm
    • Mean Old Man  M.O.M
    • Mean Old Man M.O.M

      • I kxnow its not. But if she bought it herself he cant take it away. I wanst realy wording things right. And he is overprote4ctive, Shes not allowed to leave the house now wihout having her rother or dad with her. And im not going to punch out her father just her brother. I forgot to add this but her brother actualy spat directly into my friends face for no reason. She was jsut walking down the hall and he spat into her face. We are 15 turning 16
      • Oct, 16 2008 10:57pm


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