    • Stupid shit
    • Stupid shit

      • My siste ronly got one shot in, Then Sam jumped on ehr so my sister stopped,
      • Nov, 18 2008 11:49pm
    • Learning my lesson.
    • Learning my lesson.

      • I love how you still try to insult me and make me feel bad even though I took full responsibility for my actions and admited what I did was stupid. Your one dedicated asshole lol
      • Nov, 16 2008 05:30pm
    • New me
    • New me

      • Haha Im not a ginger I jsut dye my hair red
      • Nov, 14 2008 09:05pm
    • Yay.
    • Yay.

      • What still makes me smile is that fact that you obiously choose too read my blogs and then must seek them out. Why not jsut stop readig them and we will all be a ittle happier. I wnt hae to deal with your idiocy and self absorbancy. And you wont hae o deal with my bad speling and grammar. Or are you obsessed wiht me. Is that why you feel the need to nag on me like this. Maybe deep down inside your jsut trying to hide the fact that you either lik me or secretly are attracted to me. Or just possibly you just an asshole that should be kicked in the balls unti you throw up blood, And then hae your head cut off and have all hair ripped out of your scalp and you head put on a pike and waved around like a flag. Een I can admit that even though I hate you so much I respect you beause I know that you a probally a very nice person but you just dont like me. Boohoo kyekye doesnt like me.....Im so torn up about it. Grow up and fuck off.
      • Nov, 13 2008 11:52pm
    • Yay.
    • Yay.

      • Yes I do.
      • Nov, 13 2008 11:11pm
    • Yay.
    • Yay.

      • Sorry about how its all one paragraph. It was seperate before but it must hve gone like this when I published it.
      • Nov, 13 2008 10:33pm
    • alot of random shit.
    • alot of random shit.

      • what about the thumbs down? Did you think I gave you a thumbs down HAHA I haen't bene on since i first wrote this prertty mcuh so someone else must hae given you a thumbs down haha
      • Nov, 13 2008 09:58pm


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