    • Graphs and pie charts.
    • Graphs and pie charts.

      • First off, in the last boyscout, Bruce Willis played a detective, not a P.I. Here's a direct description for you off IMDB "A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback"Second of all, if you have ever sat around with friends and badmouthed a celebrity then your comment is not only invalid but holds no merit what-so-ever. So, before coming on here and asking me "Who the fuck I am" judge yourself first. I never said he had to make an effort for anyone but himself, merely stating something that was passed down. With that said, Who the fuck are you to come here with your bullshit and try to slander me?
      • May, 30 2012 07:22pm
    • Rock Stars Then And Now.
    • Rock Stars Then And Now.

      • People get older as they age???? You're shittin me man! I thought they get younger as the years pass.
      • May, 29 2012 08:21pm
    • Graphs and pie charts.
    • Graphs and pie charts.

      • Well, ya know, it's just a small compilation of roles. I heard he's a complete asshole though.
      • May, 29 2012 06:36pm


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