    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut
    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut

      • Nobody is trying to convince you. The real question is: Why, in a country founded, in part, on religious freedom do so many religion-Karens insist that everyone needs to believe what they believe? How incredibly fucking arrogant does one have to be to refuse to accept others' rights to practice any religion of their choosing? That's one of the reasons the Right has lost members...too much shitting on our Constitution, and striving for a totalitarian regime.
      • Nov, 5 2021 08:25pm
    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut
    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut

      • Low testosterone? Funny how one would draw that connection. How about "Only anti-American, child rapists who walk around with gerbils in their asses deny Trump's crimes and deny science, history, and facts." By the way, your God is a fucking dipshit racist asshole, while my God, on the other hand, promotes peace, understanding, acceptance, and discourages lying, infidelity, know, all the shit Trump constantly does. Apparently your God doesn't care about any of the seven deadly sins. Your Bible must be pamphlet-sized with a Rebel flag on the cover and contain ads for the NRA.
      • Nov, 5 2021 08:17pm
    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut
    • Bible Verses That Should Have Been Cut

      • No worse than the right rewriting the Bible to encourage hate, xenophobia, homophobia, and attack fact, the religious right is immensely worse, not to mention evil.
      • Nov, 5 2021 08:11pm
    • School Board Member Caught Saying 'F**k You' On Hot Mic To Parent
    • School Board Member Caught Saying 'F**k...

      • A big ol' "FUCK YOU" to all these backward, ignorant parents. CRT teaches truth...if that makes you uncomfortable, then you want the social injustices of our past to perpetuate. What's up with these snowflakes that always cry "Cancel Culture" whenever a statue of a traitor is taken down, yet are all for modifying our history by ignoring facts and truths. Fuck them all...right in their ignorant, dipshit, fascist asses!
      • Nov, 1 2021 04:54pm


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