    • Your 2nd Amendment rights. A Canadian Perspective
    • Your 2nd Amendment rights. A Canadian...

      • It's somewhat ironic that as socialized as Canada is (compared to the US) with our gun laws, gov't healthcare, pandering to special interest rarely hear the average Canadian complain about their rights being taken away. We just don't seem to spend our time debating the erosion of our freedom the way our American counterparts do. Maybe in a bizarre way we have more freedom in Canada. It's as if the very rights many Americans cling to are in fact responsible for their increasing lack of freedom. The 2nd Amendment/gun culture has helped create an atmosphere of fear in the US and for the first time gun violence has brought up the very real prospect of having to arm everyone in order to protect themselves. There is of course violent crime in Canada but at the same time, there are few streets that I wouldn't feel comfortable walking down at night for fear of being assaulted or murdered. Moreover, I certainly never fear use of excessive force or abuse of power by our law enforcement
      • Jan, 1 2013 02:50pm
    • How to be an anti-social athiest at x-mas
    • How to be an anti-social athiest at...

      • Either participate or don't. If you choose to participate then stop complaining, if you don't participate, then shut up about it. I've heard Jewish parents in a Catholic School complain less than you. No one has a gun to your head and all of your "they dragged me to the table" bullshit makes you sound like a whiny, privileged, hipster. Also, don't ever have children, your shitty attitude (about life in general) will ruin their lives.
      • Dec, 30 2012 12:40am
    • Morning Randomness!
    • Morning Randomness!

      • Hey blaqnipplewhore, come to thumb me down? I must have really gotten into your head.
      • Dec, 27 2012 06:08am


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