    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!

      • Saying that you have all of those things and thinking you are "as poor as they come", then you don't know what poor really is. The people that truly need welfare don't have those kind of things, meanwhile people are cheating the system and getting benefits when they don't need them. Finding something new might help prevent those kind of people from getting benefits when they shouldn't get them. The people on welfare are not the ones that got us in the situation we are in, you believe the opposite because you are being lied to by your Shepherds. You are delusional and need to wake up and get out of your's mom's basement. There is a world beyond your TV and the internet, go out and enjoy it.
      • Sep, 9 2012 06:07pm
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!

      • *something new that has a chance of working better. Wake up and see things the way they are, then think and realize it could be a lot better is we all work together to create a better America. We can't keep doing the same thing expecting different results, Clinton's policies worked and Bush's didn't. I think it is about time we go back to what works.
      • Sep, 8 2012 02:02am
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!

      • TXST, they are already hoarding their money, and they have been for the last 12 years since the tax rates were lowered. This obviously means that they are not doing what they should be doing in exchange for those tax rates. Twisted first off calm down, why the fuck are you talking about people on welfare, I am not talking about them. The people that get hit hardest by companies not creating jobs and investing in new businesses is the middle class. The middle class is what people consider the American dream, that is what I want the rest of the people of America to have. That is one company out of thousands, of course you will be able to find a few that do things properly. For everyone you find doing it right 10 are cheating the system. I have said in the past, if you can find a way to pay for it, all people getting money from the government should be drug tested. Obama didn't take away a person's irresponsibility to find a job while on welfare, he made it easier for a state to try somet
      • Sep, 8 2012 02:01am
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!
    • Democrats Let's Ban Profits!

      • In case you people are too stupid to realize but the problem isn't about making too much money, or having a profit cap. The problem is these corporations are making record profits, while getting a huge tax return from the government. They do this while laying people off, and pocketing the money. Remember the trickle down effect? The corporations get all of these tax breaks, and in return create more jobs. Since they are not creating jobs like they said they would do, lets start taxing the fuck out of them until they create jobs. What people don't seem to realize is, if the more people work the more money they will have to spend on stuff. A corporation should not get my tax money when there are other people that need it to survive.
      • Sep, 7 2012 05:12pm
    • Chuck Norris Warns America If Obama Wins 2012 Election
    • Chuck Norris Warns America If Obama...

      • Of course both sides are going to use celebrities, I mean look at how much celebrities are in the news compared to anything else. The problem is the republicans shouldn't have used someone that is so delusional. The Norris's are young earth creationists, they believe that the earth is only 6000 years old and that human and dinosaurs coexisted together. If you want to believe in god and stuff that is just fine, but when you start believing the earth is only 6000 years old, you have a problem. Besides Bruce Lee > Chuck Norris.
      • Sep, 5 2012 09:03pm


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