    • Are All Ron Paul Voters Fanatics?
    • Are All Ron Paul Voters Fanatics?

      • The truth is this, people are waking up... They can no longer accept the "norm" that they have been disillusioned and conditioned to believe their whole lives. It takes alot of unmanageability before someone will begin to re-examine their entire belief system. When your born, you are born into the world the way it is, and your perception is given to you, you did not choose it or create it out of truth. It was handed to you by the world and people around you. We are at a time where people are coming to see the truth, where all the lies are falling apart.. And when they do, they see ron paul has been speaking it for a long long time. The fanatical stages in this awakening are to be expected.. Seeing the truth after a lifetime of lies is exciting, and you want everyone to see.. Although fanatical, you must admit and see the power of truth that is causing this behavior. Its not going to stop. the truth can not be stopped. It will spread.
      • Dec, 27 2011 05:17pm
    • Cat Calms Crying Baby With A Soothing Paw Touch To The Head
    • Cat Calms Crying Baby With A Soothing...

      • excellent cat. humans can learn alot from cats. nobody is as present to the moment as an animal like a cat or dog. the past and future dont even exist, and are merely an illusion that we visit with our minds to escape the present moment. The present is the only reality, dont waste it disillusioned, trying to get to the next moment. You will only ever find peace and happiness right now.
      • Dec, 27 2011 04:28pm


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surf,skate,create,destroy. Lets die together

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