    • 16 Beautifully Dark Paintings About Capitalism
    • 16 Beautifully Dark Paintings About...

      • Mediocre. Reminds me of Jim Carey's art. There's no subtlety. It's never nuanced to let the viewer come to their own conclusion. It won't be a symbolic painting about something someone lied about, it will just be a picture of that person with horns and the word liar scribbled around them. oooooh so thought provoking.
      • Apr, 6 2020 12:24pm
    • Nintendo's Super Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy Rumored to Be Remastered
    • Nintendo's Super Mario 64, Sunshine,...

      • Wouldn't doubt it. Nintendo constantly rehashes old games and consoles and the idiot fanboys eat it up. I got a friend that's spent thousands of dollars on Nintendo shit, and 50% of it is just the same shit over and over. He bought 7 DS's because they kept coming out with "Limited Edition Triforce version" etc. He also owns several of the exact same game because they constantly remake them for each system and he needs to buy and replay it every time. At this point a huge portion of Nintendos profits is just them preying on fanboys nostalgia.
      • Mar, 30 2020 09:18pm
    • Jimmy Fallon Can't Hide His Disgust after Rami Malek Touches His Hand
    • Jimmy Fallon Can't Hide His Disgust...

      • all the skits Fallon does with the guests are garbage too. What's in the box, mad-lib theater, lip sync battles, musical impressions... it's like his show gets all its ideas from some "101 things to do at your slumber party" book that Fallon stole from some 8th grade girl.
      • Mar, 30 2020 06:04am
    • President Trump's Coronavirus Address Accidentally Went Live Too Soon
    • President Trump's Coronavirus Address...

      • I Didn't realize that being a full time commenter on Ebaums had such a good retirement plan... and I don't really blame Trump for the stock market (when it goes up or down). To think one man can control the sway that much is ridiculous. I'm just echoing Trumps sentiments during the Obama presidency. But he was a black democrat, so it's fine to blame the fluctuations solely on him when he was president, but Trump is only responsible when it goes up. Got it.
      • Mar, 13 2020 12:48am
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting Messages About Coronavirus
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting...

      • ok, lets just ignore the CDC since you think they're inflating the numbers for political reasons. What about Italy, Iran, and China? Are they part of the MSM's scam to get Trump out? You really think China is willing to infect thousands of people and quarantine major cities, costing them trillions of dollars in economic losses, just to help the democrats? Get the fuck out of here.
      • Mar, 11 2020 04:20pm
    • 4 Real Quotes About Science From the New Corona Czar Mike Pence
    • 4 Real Quotes About Science From the...

      • The fact that a single family could build an arc large enough to hold 2 of every single species and food for 40 days is absurd. Saying "they actually took 7 pairs of each animal" doesn't help the argument. It just makes it even more absurd.
      • Feb, 29 2020 12:42am


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