    • Schizo Does Salvia
    • Schizo Does Salvia

      • oh its this guy again... i remember him... anyway this guy is a male model, and hes "super badass" and his "girlfriend" not a real person, but its ok. some people love their hands or their dog a bit to much... its ok to have your own lifestyle... but no one is holding a gun to you head making you visist this site, so insted of telling us about your "girlfriend" and all the sprots you play... good for you... no one cares, and playing sports doesn't make people like you, it makes you a fucking ass clown... which is ok.. i'm sure you get alot of "girlfriends" in your male model career, it must be hard knowing that all you can do in your life is make fun of people over the internet with a picture of someone you got off google, behind your screen of comfort, when in reality if you said that in real life to half the people here, you would more then likly get stabbed.. "thanks for listening"... pathetic
      • Sep, 10 2008 04:35am
    • Schizo Does Salvia
    • Schizo Does Salvia

      • x1 nick 1x... you are a fucking dipshit.. this is why everyone hates america.. is because of ass hats like you who think its ok to nuke someone because of something they say.. do you realize the damge and death tat would cause? and not only for them but it would come back to us... do your fucking research before you say stupid shit like that you cock sucker
      • Sep, 10 2008 04:31am
    • Korn- Ya'll Wanna Single
    • Korn- Ya'll Wanna Single

      • i like korn and all.. but serveal things... 1- each band that bitches about the record companies... like, hey bitch you didn't get anywhere without A record company backing you, so stop bitching and also why is this "top rated media" if it only has 438 views and my one comment? lmao... good god.. and its shit quality video
      • Sep, 9 2008 11:52pm


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