    • How far for punishment?
    • How far for punishment?

      • I know, but I don't think they could manage it. Don't forget that many incidents go unreported because of their fear of what the bastard could do to them and what they may have threatened to do to them if they told anyone what happened. So they would probably be too afraid to make a decision on punishment.
      • Sep, 4 2008 10:30pm
    • How far for punishment?
    • How far for punishment?

      • That's really a side point isn't it? Elementary school issues aren't that bad. I have them too, but I am fine now. I guess I'm saying that they don't gouge out a very deep scar compared to sexual abuse.
      • Sep, 4 2008 09:49pm
    • How far for punishment?
    • How far for punishment?

      • That's harsh to a big degree. But I honestly like your opinion, I am sure many others wouldn't, but what the hell? Not everyone will agree with our extreme view on things. I dated a girl, much like you did once. She was a bit messed up from it too, only difference is that she was 5 and it was her grandpa, although he asked to be called uncle.
      • Sep, 4 2008 09:48pm
    • How far for punishment?
    • How far for punishment?

      • Look. I do appreciate your view, especially when I consider what IdidURmomma says. But I may have my extreme kill them attitude due to the many people I know who suffered some type of abuse. I can think of six immediately. And I think that most people's lives are ruined, so end the lives of those who messed them up.
      • Sep, 4 2008 08:14pm
    • How far for punishment?
    • How far for punishment?

      • you make a fair argument as well. I have heard that convicts apparently have some ethics, but it you do that sort of thing to a child and are caught and thrown away, they will beat your ass into a bloody pulp.
      • Sep, 4 2008 08:09pm


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I don't know what to put here really. But I guess I could tell you that my biggest hero is Edgar Allan Poe and he's a big reason why I like to write poetry in my free time, though often about love rather than horror, as he typically did or was thought to do.

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