    • The Good News
    • The Good News

      • Ha ha ha Not the strickest of definitions but its funny. Love your avatar by the way.
      • Oct, 19 2010 07:39pm
    • Help!
    • Help!

      • I just watched a show on TLC about this exact same thing weird. It was call Freaky Eaters something nothing but French fries for the last 26 years. Turns out if was a Genetic thing 95% of us qualify as non-tasters (we eat a lot of things without much regard for tastes) The rest are considered Tasters they have extremely sensitive to taste so other foods taste really bad to them even sight messes with them they made her eat a Blue French fry and she broke down its crazy worth google-ing
      • Oct, 19 2010 12:29am
    • Money we don't have...
    • Money we don't have...

      • I go through the same thing with my little brother, no matter how hard I try to warn him of the speed bumps I ran into he still knows better than I do. It may be hard to swallow but sometimes you just need to sit back and watch the zeppelin burn so to speak. If she won%u2019t listen; she won%u2019t listen. She'll find out sooner or later and then realize exactly what you were trying to tell her. I like how you mention goals and planning. I was fortunate enough to run into a man named Bill Z. who taught me very young %u201CPrior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance%u201D as a salesmen the importance of setting goals and a plotted course on how to get there. Some of us are lucky enough to learn these lessons early on in life; others aren%u2019t, just is what it is. The reminds me of a favorite quote "It's your life. You don't know how long it's going to last, but you know it doesn't end well." - Don Draper Don%u2019t sweat it if she is as book smart as you say she will learn the stre
      • Oct, 19 2010 12:22am
    • I Love Titties!
    • I Love Titties!

      • Yeah, smyth like strick me down its a biblical thing. Maybe I spelled it wrong; I wasnt sure how to spell it and thats the way I found it spelled on the internet.
      • Oct, 17 2010 09:54pm
    • I Love Titties!
    • I Love Titties!

      • I myself do have one of those girls. In high school there was a girl in one of my classes I got very close to without ever dating weird situation. Moral of the story we never did more than kisses and hugs even though I think we both wanted too. Few years after I move to NC she goes missing a few months after that she%u2019s found deceased in a state park. Talk about bummer. I believe the case is still cold.
      • Oct, 17 2010 07:58pm
    • I Love Titties!
    • I Love Titties!

      • The post I post here are all originally posted on my personal blog. I post them here for ebaumsworld members to read them and comment on them. No one here has to check out my personal blog but I am crediting an original source. If ebaum thinks what I am posting is Spam may he smyth me.
      • Oct, 17 2010 07:53pm
    • I Love Titties!
    • I Love Titties!

      • GIJoe- That's awesome that your uncle says they are Knife and Bullet wounds. And good for you that you get checked out regularly. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!
      • Oct, 17 2010 02:34am
    • I Love Titties!
    • I Love Titties!

      • Tyaeda - Agreed like anything else going to the doctor is the best method, but even those who go only go once a year when most don't go unless they are already sick. So even checking at home once a month to catch them as soon as possible is better than never checking at all. I also stumbled upon the Man Boob Cancer when googling it is definitely worth looking into it more and maybe it will get it own post. And like any other man we don't talk about it. That might be another great post topic as well.
      • Oct, 17 2010 02:32am


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