    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • You could not be more wrong....the cost of a sick Kid will probaly cripple the average family under OBAMA CARE. - This is no different than if they had ot pay for the actual services themselves. (probably cheaper overall but still VERY expensive). ALSO - on average...the profit margin for the health insurance industry is 2 1/2%. Politicians would have you think they are making billions and 10, 15, 20% profit's just not true. So again you have proven to know nothing.
      • Sep, 30 2011 04:51pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • There is a difference between highly regulated and Government RUN. HCSC still has it's rights as a business but has to show records and get approvals and other "hoops". It's not the same being RUN by the government They still have autonomy and set their own practices. ON the other hand....Private for profit companies also have to meet Government regulations, but aren't held the the higher financial standard. I'm not saying that the BCBS model with the Government doesn't clearly does. BUT the role that Government plays is not one that controls the company.
      • Sep, 30 2011 04:43pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • of the richest countries in the world...have one of the highest poverty levels in the world. Cuba (communist) - has a "great medical system" if you believe Michael Moore. BUT they also have a low standard of living and infrastructure. LETS BE there any country that doesn't have "poor"? NO. The poor are poor for a million different reasons....the last thing that our (US) Government will do correctly is "take care" of the poor. - Any government for that matter. - It's the smaller scale community level that will do the best. I think the US does this VERY well. However, that has nothing to do with the Debate about OBAMA CARE
      • Sep, 30 2011 04:07pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • cover the cost of treatment) Eventually with this attitude...when it's your time, or my time, your childrens time, or mine...with your "patriotic" obligation to to spend money on those who weren't being patriotic (in your words) eventaully the coffers run dry...Eventaully we have to limit services, and limit treatments, and limit coverage, and limit payouts, to eventual collapse of the system. WITH OBAMA CARE ....this is what happens if 100% don't pay in..With an Insurance system...(perhaps a reformed one) your social contract system will work the best...To think that people who have to pay into a system will pony up to pay for someone else health care (more than one or twice before becoming jaded) is STUPID
      • Sep, 30 2011 03:59pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • It's not's unsocialist...or un communist. My stance on fairness as it pertains to a law or fical obligation has nothing to do with patriotism towards my country. Do I agree that there should be some sort of social contract between people...absolutely. As you said to paraphrase (as it's not uniquely american) people take care of people. Communities reach out, churches reach out, schools, scouts, organizations of all types and individual deeds. BUT those social contracts have ZIP to do with the Obama Care debate....except perhaps to say that if you don't pay in look towards the community to help.....BUT ALSO LETS BE's not FREE. If you pay into the system and your health sucks YOU WILL PAY MORE...if you are on deaths door and need treatment. YOU WILL PAY's not FREE. So in that respect my analogy is absolutely correct....1. the person who didn't pay in previously will have to PAY ALOT...(not enough to cover not having paid and certainly not enough to c
      • Sep, 30 2011 03:51pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • First of all it's a huge misconception that All insurance companies are "for Profit"....infact the largest "Health Services Company" aka Blue Cross Blue Shield is a NOT FOR PROFIT...and is highly regulated by the governenment. BUT our government won't tell you that...NOW there are others that are for profit and publicly owned in the Stock be fair.
      • Sep, 30 2011 03:38pm
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's not insurance
    • Obama Care vs. Insurance secret: it's...

      • And what is it that Canada Does.....TAX OUT THE ASS?Insurance is the best solution...BUT Insurance reform and how the providers price (no more $25 asprin) is where reform needs to be...not...."Well lets just give everybody coverage and hopw er can pay for it all."
      • Sep, 29 2011 10:47pm


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