    • Police Officer Rapes Woman in Courtroom
    • Police Officer Rapes Woman in Courtroom

      • Falthor, I respect your opinion out of seniority and knowing you despite never reading a comment before...also...your name is a different color. I am a user of 27 features after 1 year and a few months of actually posting. I would LOVE to be featured more often, however, I also think that videos like these shouldn't be backlogged and never seen again just because they were posted. Sometimes MY reposts, in this case, are months and sometimes MANY YEARS past the original post. That is why ebaumsworld is/can be a very stale community. Yes, they have "FEATURES" that are Throwback stuff once and a while...however...I am talking about people who eat those 3-10 new videos a day up and want more and so move on to the new vids section. It is difficult to know when you are posting a recent upload because people change names. I used to search for the titles and subjects...but after several times doing that and getting a pre-existing media message from mods...I decided I shouldn't work that
      • Feb, 28 2014 02:12am
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English subtitles
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English...

      • The "master" race or hitler youth was a side project that Hitler had little to do with. They was very little in the way of breeding. Simply picking tall blond kids to become soldiers.
      • Feb, 27 2014 11:27pm
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English subtitles
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English...

      • Ex stoner woulda died on the beaches of normandy...that was the battlefield where WE sent our undesirables to the front lines KNOWING they would die. Low incomes first, italians...anyone labeled despicable
      • Feb, 27 2014 11:26pm
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English subtitles
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English...

      • Russians killed 35million of their own men...thru shear stupidity, ignorance and hate by sending the hated most despised to the front. Americans? a few million...british too...Germans? 5-7 million. And immigrants and undesirables? 4-8 million. So...if the brits just woulda been conquered and gave'd all be fine. If the POWs woulda waited until housing development came many less woulda died from disease. If we hadn't pushed the germans back, many of those camps wouldn't have been abandoned or under supplied. It isn't uncommon for a country to want to send immigrants or descendants of immigrants is happening now in many civilized countries...some with good reason. And ex stoner...I have an IQ of 146.
      • Feb, 27 2014 11:23pm
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English subtitles
    • Hitler Speeches with Accurate English...

      • You might hear the same in a bush or obama or clinton speech and yet they are murdering with executive orders thousands to millions each. Nobody would say anything about the "music" in those vids.
      • Feb, 27 2014 11:19pm


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