    • Service Dog Helping Owner During a Panic Attack Will Make You Hate the World Less
    • Service Dog Helping Owner During a...

      • Patriot, for me, my panoc attacks can be triggered by certain smells, or sounds, even at one point just the mention of the name of my abuser cause me to go into panic attacks. Depending on the severity and which PTSD the person has, it can be triggered by even pictures of something that reminds them. And for those who say it isnt real, it is. Its basically battling and reliving your worst nightmare in your head every single day not to mention the sleepless nights and days where you are constantly fearing for your life. I literally could not go out in public until i was matched with a service dog in training. A true service dog who has been trained to recognize the signs of panic attacks are just as legit as service dogs who can lead the blind or sense severe health issues or seizures.
      • Jul, 27 2018 05:33am
    • Millennials Get Triggered By A Millenial Themed Baseball Night
    • Millennials Get Triggered By A...

      • This is what scares me the most honestly. I have a 3 year old. Imagine what his generation will be if this continues the way its going. Whatever happened to respect for people? I'm 26 and people consider me a melinnial because im under 30. I wasnt raised this way. Its embarrassing to see people my age act like they do. I was raised to respect others.
      • Jul, 26 2018 01:47am
    • Service Dog Helping Owner During a Panic Attack Will Make You Hate the World Less
    • Service Dog Helping Owner During a...

      • This is actually what im training my akita to do. I suffer from PTSD and panic attacks are unfortunately a part if my everyday life. Dogs like this are extremely helpful in calming their person. My akita has brought me out of several panic attacks since ive had him from 10 weeks old. Hes almost a year old now.
      • Jul, 24 2018 03:26pm


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About Me

I'm a single mother and I like Anime and Gaming

I suffer from PTSD and I am currently training a service dog who helps me through attacks.

Domestic abuse and PTSD survivor.

Just your average sexy fallen angel.

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