    • How A Border Wall Changed San Diego.
    • How A Border Wall Changed San Diego.

      • Amazing isn't it? One side of this debate uses logic, facts, and cold hard statistics as demonstrated by San Diego case study. The other use emotions and hysteria and photos from the Obama administration. Meanwhile 20 nations have border barriers and 7 more nations are building them, including the Vatican. The Pope sits inside a 12 foot wall while he talks about how bad border barriers are.
      • Aug, 26 2018 11:30pm
    • Donald Trump Spells With A 5th Grade Reading Level
    • Donald Trump Spells With A 5th Grade...

      • Smart enough to outwit the Clintons, the Democrats, the MSM, AND the Republicans to get elected as an outsider, though. Smart enough to manage to get employment to record highs, unemployment at record lows, food stamp reliance at historic lows, wage increases for the average worker, industry growth, market growth, and GDP growth double that of Obozo. Smart enough to get fair tariffs, get NATO partners paying their fair share, and get North Korea to disarm. The only question: will the voters be dumb enough to vote Democrats, who have literally no policies, just race baiting, socialism, open-borders and hysteria.
      • Aug, 13 2018 01:49pm
    • The Purge Of Alex Jones
    • The Purge Of Alex Jones

      • The main argument of this article is alleging that banning Infowars isn't suppressing free speech, because Google is a private company, not the internet. There is no consideration of the monopoly that Google has across all its%u2019 operations. No consideration of the toxic, suppressive hive-mind liberal culture that drives decisions like this at Google. The Damore lawsuit against Google comprehensively documents the toxicity of the culture there. They suppress search results for things they disagree with, they actively shut down anything or anyone outside the liberal hive-mind. You may not care about Infowars, but the next thing Google comes after may be something that you DO care about.
      • Aug, 7 2018 02:32am
    • Millennial's Are Tired Of The World Shitting On Them
    • Millennial's Are Tired Of The World...

      • If they got off their lazy, indignant asses and actually costed it out, they would discover that the ingredients for the home-made detergent costs more than buying laundry detergent. And that is not taking into account the time it takes to mix them together. AND the fact that the home-made version leaves soap marks on your clothes because some of the soap flakes don't dissolve.
      • Jul, 17 2018 02:57am
    •  Guy Gets Tasered by Cop as He Follows All Directions
    • Guy Gets Tasered by Cop as He Follows...

      • I guess the lesson is: when you've been committing assaults and the cops have you, and they say "put your legs out straight", and you ignore them and decide to pull them underneath you (getting ready to spring up and attack), you'll get tasered.
      • Jul, 2 2018 02:16pm
    • 53 Fun and Fascinating Photos Guaranteed to Please
    • 53 Fun and Fascinating Photos...

      • #26 Imagine having such a weak kneeling scumbag as the leader of your nation. Who got parachuted into the job 'cos affirmative action. Who turned London into Londonistan, acid attack capital of the world. You don't have to imagine if you are British.
      • Jun, 28 2018 01:11pm


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