    • I Am a BAD American!
    • I Am a BAD American!

      • idiot! george carlin was the one who wrote this so if you think your original and this is yours kiss my white ass!
      • Aug, 13 2008 07:11pm
    • Employee Takes Bath at Burger King
    • Employee Takes Bath at Burger King

      • i wonder if his manager caught any shit for letting him do that. I saw this on CNN they were asking the guy "didn't you think people would be sicked by this?" well, all i can say about that is, people eat fast food with who knows what kind of chemicals, at least this dude is GETTING clean and serving your food with clean hands!
      • Aug, 13 2008 04:24am
    • stupid bitches
    • stupid bitches

      • i know where she is at i just dont know the address. she lives on the outskits of town. and she doesn't come into city limits very often unless she has a reason to. and she is a tweaker. she dont hang out at any public venue or anything. the police here are so shitty they don't do anything, just eat donuts all day
      • Aug, 11 2008 07:46pm
    • ineresting rules of flight
    • ineresting rules of flight

      • didn't really take the time to read this fully. but from reading your last blog i've come up with the theory that to gain more erep points you are posting mindless bullshit that isn't really worth reading so you can rack up the points. if my theory is correct, nice one. but if you are posting this cuz you think its funny.. well then i dont care either way
      • Aug, 11 2008 07:56am
    • ebaums rep pointsprises, my take
    • ebaums rep pointsprises, my take

      • ya know. i actually never really took the time to see how long it took to get a prize.. interesting. basically my time on ebaums is pointless. ive seen some people get the prizes though. i wonder if they have a life outside of ebaums
      • Aug, 11 2008 07:53am


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