    • Fox News War on Obama
    • Fox News War on Obama

      • My knowledge of this doesn't come from wikipedia. I only used it as the quickest and most widely accepted resource to let ignorant fucks educate themselves. Maybe if any of you had taken a class in politics you'd know something. Oh, and it is spelled genius, not genious, genius. =)
      • Oct, 25 2009 12:56am
    • Fox News War on Obama
    • Fox News War on Obama

      • You're a fucking tool. Learn something before you speak. The main reason for the party's name was to attract the lower class. Looks like 70 years later, he is still fooling dumbasses like you (only in this case you have the access to the knowledge to know otherwise, but unfortunately you lack the infrastructure to absorb that knowledge (See: Brain). Here I'll post some excerpts for you if you are too lazy or ignorant and can't accept the truth: "The term far right is mostly used to describe fascism, Nazism and other ultra-nationalist as well as reactionary ideologies and movements." "Neo-fascists and neo-Nazis are usually labeled extreme right or ultra right. Such groups are generally revolutionary in character rather than reformist. Neo-Nazi and Neo-fascist literally means "new Nazi" and "new fascist", implying that they are from the period following World War II." Woops! So I'm the uneducated one? I was more educated than you are when I w
      • Oct, 25 2009 12:37am
    • Fox News War on Obama
    • Fox News War on Obama

      • How can you believe hypocrites? Don't believe me..check this out: 0:48. "We're starting to look at fascism." and then "Closer towards socialism", "closer to communism". 1:35: "Guys, when are we going to wake up and start fighting the fascism that seems to be permeating this country". 3:45: "This is what Hitler did". Too bad the only example of fascism any of these reporters know about (and are alluding to) is Nazi Germany (considering the extremely negative connotations it carries). It is too bad that the Fascism of Nazi Germany is considering EXTREME RIGHT WING. Woops? Comparing Obama to extreme leftists and extreme right wing simultaneously? They are fucking insane and projecting their propaganda over the American public GOATSE style.
      • Oct, 24 2009 11:56pm
    • Fox News War on Obama
    • Fox News War on Obama

      • huh? Fox news is worse. They are equivalent to a paranoid schizophrenic in their delusions. Just because they exercise free speech doesn't mean what they are saying is _valid_. PS, I'm Canadian...
      • Oct, 24 2009 11:44pm


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