    • Blast Billiards
    • Blast Billiards

      • Well, if you look down a bit, at what camron had to say, there was actually a vid of me doing 3430 on a 70sec game on youtube today. But i decided to remove it, i have no need to prove myself to you.
      • Sep, 13 2008 09:05pm
    • Blast Billiards
    • Blast Billiards

      • Im more interested who's gimmick account 401050t is. It's obvious your jealous and I don't blame you, but get over it !The high scores are done by so maany players and it took months to get there. For you info, I do have video's of my games, up to 3400s in regular speed as well, but why show it ? Ill let the people figure out their own tactics and strategies to play. I also don't need to brag about my game by uploading it, the trickshots was mainly the backward shots wich I figured out a long time ago and thought it looked cool. now gfy..
      • Sep, 13 2008 08:36pm
    • Blast Billiards
    • Blast Billiards

      • All he did was write down what HC calculated a long time ago, then said it's bs because he isn't able to do it. How is that clearly winning an argument. Also hundreds of points is exaggerated. I only went over 131 points and kiru also under 200. Btw 401 what's the id of your real account.
      • Sep, 13 2008 05:00pm
    • Blast Billiards
    • Blast Billiards

      • Your an idiot for needing comparison to do it yourself. How about you show a vid of yourself playing and Ill tell u what ur doing wrong.
      • Sep, 13 2008 11:31am


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