    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of man forever. Amen and amen.
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of...

      • Ah, you're one of those strange christians who, preaches love to your fellow man and then, points at people who ask to many difficult questions and, with a strange and frankly evil manner, delights in telling us how we are going to hell. Should I really have to remind a Christian, that in the new testament Iehovah judges people on actions not belief. So while we simply pose questions tell me, how good of you is it that you delight in the fact that some one will go to the most evil and horrible place imaginable? I guess I'll see you in the great inferno PorkyMcChode I'll save you a seat.
      • Sep, 15 2011 05:32am
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of man forever. Amen and amen.
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of...

      • ng in the 10th dimension would be the same size an earth, if you scaled the entire universe down to the size of an atom first. I know some christians follow science but, the problem is science changes its views based on what is observed, religion is the denial of observation so that faith can be preserved, in other words no matter what conclusion christianity may come to on anything, they will still slap a big 'god did it' sticker on it. Your idea of chance is way too OVERestimated. Our planet lives in a solar system of 8 planets and 1 dwarf-planet, in a galaxy that contains 400 billion stars each of which could contain at least 1 orbital planet, in a universe that contains 70 sextillion (thats 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) stars, and still ours is the ONLY planet we know of that contains life, in probability terms thats a lot that went wrong to get 1 right. Yes a lot had to go exactly right but, if it hadn't we wouldn't be here to say "... it's too perfect for chance." Oh and one la
      • Sep, 15 2011 05:12am
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of man forever. Amen and amen.
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of...

      • s the ability to question and not give us permission to use it?). If I where ever to take my own life I would be banished to hell because the bible does not condone suicide in any way. Not true the idea is to be a good person this is possible still, also life is a wondrously beautiful place. While I'm on the subject why do we have to take the world and cheapen it with the invetion of a god to try and make it seem interesting. The universe is a beautifully complex and unfathomable infinite place. Here are my 3 favorite facts for you to mull over; 1) If you took out all the empty space in the atom, you could take the entirety of the worlds population and fit it into a garden pea; 2) If you were to fly a space ship at, just below, the speed of light inside the ship it would take 80 years to reach the edge of the universe as we know it now however, time outside the ship will have moved at such a faster rate that the milkway would no longer exist; 3) In string theory, a super-string vibrati
      • Sep, 15 2011 05:11am
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of man forever. Amen and amen.
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of...

      • You're welcome trolls don't own all the internet, yet. I agree, freedom of belief is right given to all of us. I have never understood the reason for posing the question "What if god is real?" in the context of atheism being wrong. It's just an easy answer question, yes it would be nice if god existed (it would be nice if gravity worked the way we believed it did but, the universe is more complex than we can possibly imagine) and we went somewhere nice for all eternity but, the idea of me going to a place I don't believe exists will not scare me into believing in him. If, when I do die, I am placed in front of a god/gods then I will hope he judges me not on my faith but, on my moral fiber. You see the problem with the aforementioned question is that the asker never takes into account the fact that god would most likely still decide my fate on my morals and heart, not instantly banish me to hell for either not believing in him or at least questioning his existence (after all why give u
      • Sep, 15 2011 04:45am
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of man forever. Amen and amen.
    • Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour of...

      • Jesus never influenced time, the reason we use BC (Before christ which has now been amended to BCE or Before Christ Existed) is to place a time frame on our life. I'm sure you'll argue the "Why didn't we chose sometime else if it's so arbitrary?" the reason is wether you believe in him or not everyone has heard of him and we know roughly when he was created. I wouldn't go making wild accusations I never said I hated you, Jesus, or anyone I personally think the messages in the bible are good for people but, I don't understand why you need a book to tell you to be 'good' this should be apparent from birth. Once again I never called him a nuisance and, if you wish to go down that whole 'don't do christian things if you're not christian' root (I'll forego the fact that most christian holidays are actually pagan holidays dressed up for christians) then I submit to you that you should stop using everything science and evolution has given us. I know you wont because that is impossible, please
      • Sep, 9 2011 03:12pm


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