    • Angry Penis
    • Angry Penis

      • Really, a one star got the win?? even though plenty of other people got 4-5 stars???? LAAAAME!
      • Sep, 9 2015 04:25pm
    • 26 Celebs Before And After Their Plastic Surgery
    • 26 Celebs Before And After Their...

      • Mickey rourke was in a bad car accident so that was strictly plastic surgery. Dolly parton is like 70 years old... soooo Stallon is also getting up there in age... so another bad exampleCher is also in her friggin 70'sChristina agulara didnt have fat transplant surgery... so another bad example If you were aim at showing the bad side of plastic surgery, you failed. If you were aiming at showing the differences in their body, it wouldnt have been a picture of someone when they were 20, compared to them at 50-70 If you just wanted to shame someone, you tried... and failed
      • Aug, 21 2015 02:31pm
    • 10 Chart
    • 10 Chart

      • for all you people taking Stats, or psychological statistics.
      • Jun, 8 2015 03:58pm
    • 19 Easy Ways To Avoid Sounding Like An Idiot
    • Easy Ways To Avoid Sounding Like An...

      • Chai, while it means Tea in several languages, is also refering to a SPECIFIC tea when ordering from a restaurant, coffee shop, what have you. Yes ill have the Tea please. Ew no not english breakfast, no not green, THE TEA!! seriously.... Same with Sahara. Oh i went to the desert... which desert.... the desert desert DUH geeze.. and Pannini is also refering to a type of sandwhich in most cases. Ill have a sandwhich.. what kind? Submarine sandwhich, Reuben, chicken salad. .
      • May, 14 2015 05:40pm
    • Actor Robert Downey Jr. Walking Out Of TV Interview
    • Actor Robert Downey Jr. Walking Out Of...

      • I'd leave as well. If it had anything to do with the movie, MAYBE. But this joker is just trying to get a rise out of him. Good try in the ambush questions, but RDJ knows what's up. Bet "what is this" was a call sign for his agent to say "fuck it let's go"
      • Apr, 22 2015 11:17pm

      • Repost. Sorry bro, I have this same thing on my profile. Great song though
      • Apr, 22 2015 11:13pm


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