    • Our greatest national failure and some of his hits.
    • Our greatest national failure and some...

      • Oh sure... let's just throw insults. Okay; you argue like Michael Moore. No real facts to refute. You just make them up, to sound nice and compliant with your ideology. If some one contradicts you, you likely laugh at them (silly poor idiot doesn't know what he is thinking) or just name call, like a middle school child, so everyone can say "ohhhhh-he got schooled." Again, very Michael Moore. Refuting your points? I think I already did. You are just too simple to see it.
      • Sep, 24 2014 06:02pm
    • Cop Loses It On Man Who Knows His Rights
    • Cop Loses It On Man Who Knows His Rights

      • You are missing the point; he is driving a vehicle. Road side safety checks are not imposing on our constitutional rights. You have been awarded a privilege to drive. You are required to show proof of that ability, when requested. Just as a doctor, lawyer, or any other professional, who has been given a PRIVILEGE to practice a profession, is required to place their license in a conspicuous location. If this same guy is walking (WALKING) down the street, carrying a loaded gun, open carry, I agree, the police have no right to stop and question him. I get that and I appreciate the videos demonstrating inappropriate detainment of these individuals. This is a completely different scenario, where proof of licensure is required. If a doctor told a government agent to piss off, upon request of licensure, he/she is done as a physician. At least the cops aren't allowed to just take our license for not cooperating. Arguing the Bill of Rights, in this situation, is moot because the guy i
      • Sep, 24 2014 05:47pm
    • Cop Loses It On Man Who Knows His Rights
    • Cop Loses It On Man Who Knows His Rights

      • Driving a car is not a constitutional right. If the police want to make sure you are properly licensed for the privilege of driving, and that you are doing so in a SOBER manner, then the stop is legal. If this idiot does not want to be stopped at a safety check point for drivers, then walk. We are free to move about. When you are about to get on a plane, you see the pilot; if he was acting unusual or in a drug inhibited manner, you would want to get off the plane before it took off. He has a license because he earned the trust and PRIVILEGE of society, not because he has some constitutional right to fly a plane.
      • Sep, 23 2014 10:55pm
    • The Bible
    • The Bible

      • I find it interesting that the Bible, when it is telling a story, gives agnostics and atheists so-called ammunition to bash Christianity. Try to put things into context, before you start your finger pointing.
      • Sep, 22 2014 10:53pm
    • Our greatest national failure and some of his hits.
    • Our greatest national failure and some...

      • It was just a rather odd statement. Who I vilify or deify, is rather irrelevant, in this discussion. It would be equivalent of having an argument with Stephen Hawking, about the existence of God, and then accusing him of being angry because he is stuck in a wheel chair, for not agreeing with you.
      • Sep, 22 2014 07:41pm


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