    • Timeline of Donald Trump Downplaying Coronavirus
    • Timeline of Donald Trump Downplaying...

      • We can't get rid of this douchebag fast enough. What will it finally take before you bootlickers wake up I realize out stupid you've been all along? I don't think it's ever going to happen because you can't fix stupid. What a bunch of fucking morons still supporting this loser fuck face. You all should be in prison for supporting this inept fat fuck who has the mentality of a 12 year old.
      • Mar, 19 2020 11:25am
    • President Trump's Coronavirus Address Accidentally Went Live Too Soon
    • President Trump's Coronavirus Address...

      • you're also a bootlicker brainwashed moron just like your Emperor wannabe. Yeah give me four hundred million dollars like his dad gave him, and I can do wonders. Let's see him do all that from scratch, 6 bankruptcies, Casino fails, Banks repossessing helicopters and planes and his airline fail, colluding with other countries to win an election, strong handing the Attorney General oh, speaking like a four year old oh, yeah real brilliant guy and you're a genius too... what a dumbass bootlicker you are.
      • Mar, 13 2020 07:21pm
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting Messages About Coronavirus
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting...

      • Your supreme leader cut the cdc's funding for 2021 by 16%, you're a fucking idiot! He's trying to cut Social Security welfare and anything that helps the people who are struggling, but it's okay for you guys when he bails out farmers and Banks. You're a fucking hypocrite and you don't even realize it. Bailouts are okay as long as it's not for people who are really hurting. Maybe those Farmers should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get three jobs like you fucking idiots always say.
      • Mar, 12 2020 12:44am
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting Messages About Coronavirus
    • CDC, White House Give Conflicting...

      • @lamnotom... what do you expect from a bunch of bootlickers who listen to Rush bimbo And the leprechaun Sean Hannity Wallbanger , these people can't think for themselves ... they need a dictator to tell them what to do, shit for brains!
      • Mar, 11 2020 07:39pm


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