    • Population Control
    • Population Control

      • Unfortunately for you, your reading comprehension matches your shallow mind. Next time you decide to expose your complete lack of reason and logic regarding a topic at least show some tact and actually read the material you're attacking. One can only deduce from your statement that it comes from a typical republican state of mind living only for the almighty, fake dollar while having no regard for anything or anyone but you and yours. Enjoy that! But first, re-read the last frame carefully and relish the humility realizing that the numbers are cushioned, shy of 24 hrs.
      • Jul, 13 2014 11:17am
    • Population Control
    • Population Control

      • You don't need to believe everything. The age of the internet has allowed us to simply question. The more you read and see the more you begin to understand that things aren't all peachy-keen. The one thing I've realized recently, the number one problem with the world and especially the US - 'divide and conquer' is not a myth, or a theory. It's a fact. We are divided with lies. We are pitted against one another. People need to cut the left vs. right BS. It's a scam to divide us. Read and scour the internet as much as possible before it's censored. You'll begin to see certain issues coming up everywhere. My mother always told me that "money is the root of all evil" and money is the basis for all the lies and control. Just look and you'll see. We're supposed to help each other, not fight.
      • Jul, 11 2014 12:56pm


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