    • Religious Gallery Fail.
    • Religious Gallery Fail.

      • Here's the thing Rin. Dangle is a good man, and a master word smith, but he also has control issues. If you ever saw the mental and logical gymnastics he went through when mistakenly misused the word solstice in place of solace you would understand. He just needs to be right, and who doesn't want that. So take it easy on him. In the end,there are far worse people you could have hanging around.
      • Dec, 21 2012 05:09pm
    • What The Results Of Obama's Win Tells Me
    • What The Results Of Obama's Win Tells Me

      • Another excellent post. I fear you are correct. It will take some near term, near catastrophe to snap us out of this now. Otherwise the frogs not moving and the waters getting hot.
      • Nov, 15 2012 01:18pm
    • Paul Ryan:  Finally, an honest politician.
    • Paul Ryan: Finally, an honest...

      • Eventually you will realize that all this feigned independentizim is just a ploy to support Obama. "yeah, all politicians suck but Obama sucks a little less so I'm voting for him." Sounds so cool but it's just B. S. Tomlet fact checks his liberal information with liberal fact checkers. He freely admits that both sides have biased sites but won't give any credence at all to the right while he quotes the status quo from the left. He's all in for Obama, and doesn't care to confuse himself with facts.
      • Sep, 3 2012 05:18pm
    • RNC:
    • RNC: "We Built That"

      • Thankfully, no one on the left has ever taken something out of context to further their own agenda. Oh yeah, and Obama is a socialist, or at the very least the closest thing to a socialist this country has ever been stupid enough to elect as president.
      • Sep, 3 2012 01:45am


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