    • Stop-Motion Battle
    • Stop-Motion Battle

      • chris donovan? i guess you can steal songs from people that are dead if you just make it techno...Bradley Nowell just rolled over in his grave. Steppin razor put with this shit?
      • Jul, 19 2009 02:12pm
    • Fireworks - Cool Stop Motion Vid
    • Fireworks - Cool Stop Motion Vid

      • really? Spain? or Great Brit? or maybe Great Brit. owned part of fuckin moron. What else are you going to say? that Bill Pulman wrote that speach coz of the aliens? Good God, if you live in the USA you're the reason that other countries think we're dumb. Do yourself a favor, have your boyfriend wrap his dick around your throat then pull it like a rip chord. Everyone please feel free to send me mail, i'm not going to check on this and get into an online "fued" with some dumb ass. I already know that people are going to talk shit
      • Jul, 5 2009 04:09am
    • Cop Harrasses Teen For Sagging Pants  Then Choke Slaps Him!
    • Cop Harrasses Teen For Sagging Pants ...

      • fuck bamma, i'll walk around in fucking boxers...better yet i'll flash a cop, how are you gonna regulate peoples clothes? I used to weigh 250, now im a buck 60...I'm not going to buy new clothes every time i drop weight. So to sum it up, fuck bamma, texas and who ever else will arrest people for "indecent exposure" It's not like i whipped my dick out, twisted it around someones throat, the pulled it back like i was starting a lawnmower.Belts? when you go from 38 to a 34, you can kind of tell. I know everyones gonna talk shit about this post, calling me fat and things, I don't give a shit, buy me some pants and shirts that fit me. im not going to read this again so say whatever you want, mail me if you really want me to care what you all think.
      • Jul, 1 2009 05:43pm


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