    • World rocked and how to be a sex machine.
    • World rocked and how to be a sex...

      • haha wha'ts wrong with astrology man ? and psycho-analysis ? I know a lot about astrology, don't get me wrong it's total bs but i read all this stuff so i 'll have something to say to somebody that's into it, i act like i believe it and all, oh fuck it i'll read the rest of your blog later ,
      • Jul, 18 2011 09:20am
    • Countless blessings,shitting upons,and ramblings.I can feel it
    • Countless blessings,shitting upons,and...

      • Well I think you're a hero, and your services are greatly appreciated. I hope i 'm not out of line when I say that it's a good thing that you weren't married or you'd have had to pay so much more. I can relate when you say "I try get on with my life and try to count my blessing that I'm alive and almost well now." Not that what I have is comparable but I could barely speak for the last two years and my voice is slowly coming back.
      • Jul, 17 2011 10:13pm
    • Faith in Politicians?
    • Faith in Politicians?

      • there was no real competition in the eighties, during reagan's era wages didn't increase while shareholders got wealthy which led to the working man getting in dept, he also deregulated the banking system and we all know what good this does provoked. He was a puppet that repeated what bankers told him to. Crime rate also hit the roof. Bush had pretty much the same policy, only now it's a lot more competitive world, look at the car industry, Europe is going away from socialism ? Europe is made up of many countries with different regimes, Germany is thriving and they do the opposite of what Reagan did
      • Jul, 17 2011 08:41pm
    • Faith in Politicians?
    • Faith in Politicians?

      • u may not like what i'm about to say, but I think the documentary "capitalism a love story" rips reagan's policies a new one, and he was nothing but a puppet, his policies increased workloads, crime rate and fucked unions in the ass only to favor shareholders. Taxing the rich works, all we have to do is compare this with european countries. What a lot of them do is not just tax them, but give them tax cuts ONLY if they invest a lot and thereby creating jobs, so it's a win win
      • Jul, 17 2011 07:41pm
    • More, Even Crazier, Life Defying Activities.
    • More, Even Crazier, Life Defying...

      • wow toronto isn't a bad environment to grow up in man, how come it was so hostile to you ? ain't toronto the best city in the world ? how come even montreal was hostile as fuck towards you, it's such a lovely city
      • Jul, 17 2011 06:25pm
    • Vanilla Sky
    • Vanilla Sky

      • what's really good about the Vanilla sky is the soundtrack man, hearing "the nothing song" transport me in another dimension and makes me feel so peaceful and where they put it in the movie fits so well, it's by an Icelandic band called Sigur Ros. If you wanna check it out (it starts at 1:30)
      • Jul, 17 2011 06:21pm


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