    • Why I keep bringing it up..............
    • Why I keep bringing it up..............

      • It is boring to see the same thing over and over and over and over again. I never cared in the beginning. I did some fact finding for fun and tried to have fun with it. I did and it was fun. Now it is the same thing over and over again and it is not fun its boring.
      • Nov, 2 2008 05:31pm
    • Why I keep bringing it up..............
    • Why I keep bringing it up..............

      • I hope the second Obama gets into office he makes Reverend Wright his chief of staff. After that he can put Ayers in charge of homeland security. I really do not care about this. Frankly it is boring and has been done 50 times. It should probably be deleted for being spam at this point. There have been no less than 50 other blogs covering this exact same thing. Why does this continue, it is pointless.
      • Nov, 2 2008 04:43pm
    • For you kyky..........Now what????
    • For you kyky..........Now what????

      • I hope he makes Reverend Wright his fucking chief of staff when he gets into office. I am so fucking sick of hearing this same shit every god damn day.
      • Nov, 2 2008 06:49am
    • I'm Done......
    • I'm Done......

      • What is posting like a drama queen going to do? I stopped uploading for the most part I still do some. I got sick of getting screwed over so I silently stopped. It is not like the removed any feature of yours that was original or took something of yours. Quit crying like a little girl grow up leave silently if you want to quit or try to change things and then quit. I made an effort to suggest change and may make another effort before I completely quit. You are just a bitch.
      • Oct, 31 2008 08:14pm
    • Is anyone even surprised anymore?
    • Is anyone even surprised anymore?

      • The Judicial branch is still controlled by republican appointees. Honestly the appointees there really do not matter much. Judges on the supreme court do not have to be politicians and do not have to pander. That is the one saving grace of our system. Be it republican or democrat the justices generally just do what is best and constitutionally sound regardless of their religious beliefs.
      • Oct, 29 2008 10:46pm


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