    • Moving south of the Mason
    • Moving south of the Mason

      • Wow, they must not teach manners in New York. Or are you the only douche'? This blog was meant for fun. You are an ill mannered child who should shut up and let the big people talk.
      • Sep, 20 2009 10:26pm
    • Moving south of the Mason
    • Moving south of the Mason

      • I live in Minnesota now. We have mosquitoes that will carry off a small dog if you're not careful.
      • Sep, 20 2009 05:22am
    • I dont get it.....
    • I dont get it.....

      • I don't watch him but let him rant. He has that right. Don't like him, change the channel. Start to worry when he gets yanked off the air by someone for something other than low ratings.
      • Sep, 20 2009 02:40am
    • Unlike Jackass.....
    • Unlike Jackass.....

      • BSG is pretty hard to replace. Like other people have said, Bones is pretty good. NCIS (the first one, not the new one) is also entertaining. Eureka on Sci Fi is quirky fun too.
      • Sep, 17 2009 12:51am
    • Suggestions
    • Suggestions

      • What kind of class is it? Hard to know how in depth or the subject material you can use without that. Write about the death of the American muscle car, a tv show or movie influencing culture and why, what's better as a pet, a dog or a cat, is environmentalism the new catholosism, tastes great or less filling? Any help? ;-)
      • Sep, 16 2009 08:11pm
    • Beating the flying pig
    • Beating the flying pig

      • No conspiracy. Nat'l Geographic did a special on all the "black helicopter" stuff. Showed both sides and debunked it all. We were caught with our thumbs in our collective asses is all there is to it. If you can, find the french documentary that was being filmed about Engine Company No. 1, it's on Amazon. The film crew were following around these firefighters and taped most of what happened that day. It's heartbreaking.
      • Sep, 15 2009 11:43pm
    • Sound Advice
    • Sound Advice

      • My advice, "Always make sure there's paper before you sit down". You're welcome.
      • Sep, 13 2009 11:07pm


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