    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns
    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns

      • Well I hate to burst your bubble but first they're gonna start with the high round clips, then go to the assault rifles (which by the way a shotgun does 10 times more damage then an AR15) then they'll ban ALL guns. Don't you get it? It's about control.You can't have your cake and eat it too! And it may be fine to hunt deer with 1 rifle but you wouldn't use that same one to kill a bear.
      • Jan, 10 2013 04:33pm
    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns
    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns

      • Just do me a favor, don't jam God down my throat ok? I don't need to have the bible to be good or to teach good! If that's your thing then cool!
      • Jan, 10 2013 04:20pm
    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns
    • The Bigger Problem Than Guns

      • Don't you think that if the "behavioral" issues were solved or at least better than now, that it wouldn't matter how many guns you have? Last year there were almost 15 million hunters that went out in this country to hunt and non of them killed each other or another person. Don't you find that ironic?
      • Jan, 10 2013 04:13pm
    • Three Thugs Club and Rob Clerk
    • Three Thugs Club and Rob Clerk

      • When are people like you link556 that the criminals don't get the guns from the gun stores they get most of them off the streets like they always have! Smuggled from out of the country through our wonderfully protected border. The point is criminals will still find a way to be a criminal and do bodily harm. Read the sub title. More people are killed with bats and knives than guns!! Wake the f**k up!!
      • Jan, 10 2013 03:37pm
    • American Civil War 2
    • American Civil War 2

      • I do have to say that for this guy to go on video where EVERYBODY watches was really dumb on his part! Because of the patriot act he can be detained without question and without a lawyer until the FBI says he can go. See you in 30 years dude.
      • Jan, 10 2013 01:50pm
    • American Civil War 2
    • American Civil War 2

      • The only way to show the government that they work for us and to wake them up BEFORE a civil war is for all the employees of all the major factories to quit work for a day and when the money stops pouring in and the stocks fall, then the politicians will see that that We The People really do run this country and WE make the rules. But try to get all the people to agree to this is next to impossible.
      • Jan, 10 2013 01:47pm


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I am for the 2nd amendment. I am for LESS government and more FREEDOM. I don't agree with people who think that they need the government to be their guide and tell them what to do. I believe in thinking for yourself. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, and Foster Brooks are my favorite comedians. I don't like Religions jammed down my throat, but I do believe in the idea of Karma because I have seen it in action many times. My creed is : I don't have any time for bullshit and I don't give it. The 3 things I love the most is playing and making music, riding my bike, and eating pussy. ( not necessarily in that order ) I also dislike rap music and think that everyone has gotten lazy in being creative!

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