    • Laws only apply to those that follow them.
    • Laws only apply to those that follow...

      • Timothy Mc vea Killed over 160 people and wounded over 250 without shooting ANY gun!!! So do you really think it's about guns or is it about the person? If you're one of those that just wants a quick fix, then you're in the categorie of the "dumbshits" hopefully you don't snap and try to kill someone yourself!!!
      • Jan, 19 2013 10:13pm
    • Laws only apply to those that follow them.
    • Laws only apply to those that follow...

      • The Prez dumb ass! In the ABC article that is devoted to the prez says that he want's to ban assault rifles AND magazines that fire more than 10 rounds. Well what "assault" rifle carries 10 rounds or more "without" a magazine? OHHH! We didn't think about that did we? You guys don't get it and never will! And you wonder why people think you guys are retarded? This is why!!
      • Jan, 19 2013 10:07pm
    • Bill Maher's Rant On Gun Control
    • Bill Maher's Rant On Gun Control

      • He's right about all the liberties and privacy that we don't have anymore. All the kids that have grown up in this act like it's second nature. I don't agree that the "gun nuts" just care about guns. I know the guy is just trying to be funny but I know a lot of people who own guns that have tried to stop this intrusion into our lives but to no avail. Bush did go way overboard as president and so is Obama. 2 sides of the same coin. ectheleon needs to watch this!
      • Jan, 19 2013 11:50am
    • Don't Tread On Me!!
    • Don't Tread On Me!!

      • still commit heinous crimes with or without guns! That IS the whole point! But you and other liberals (not all) think that putting limits and eventually removal of weapons are going to solve the social issues. They are not!! But you're the one who want's to live in fantasy land! Well good luck with that!!
      • Jan, 18 2013 09:17pm
    • Don't Tread On Me!!
    • Don't Tread On Me!!

      • Well one thing you said was right. This IS a political issue and for the president to use the kids deaths for a political agenda is pathetic to say the least! All the data is there that none of this will help (except the background checks from gun shows) They already have them from the gun stores. It's been proven time and time again that guns aren't even close to being the major killer of people here! This is a way for obama to get his foot in the door plain and simple! You didn't answer me when I asked what assault rifles carry 10 rounds or more WITHOUT a clip? You also didn't answer me about the article from ABC. Ya see it's just all about you!!! So how the hell can you expect to have any kind of discussion when you don't want to discuss! You just want to lash out and just make your short sighted points! I'm looking at the big picture here and all you have to say is I'm paranoid! This issue is about the people behind the guns not the guns themselves. People will still commit heinou
      • Jan, 18 2013 09:14pm
    • Don't Tread On Me!!
    • Don't Tread On Me!!

      • That's how it all starts! If you want to take the "I'll wait till the last minute and see what happens approach" then that's fine! I don't! I'm sure all the nations in the past said the same thing before it happened to them to. Now that's being a sheep!
      • Jan, 18 2013 06:20pm
    • Don't Tread On Me!!
    • Don't Tread On Me!!

      • This was from ABC news article the day it came out."universal background checks for every gun buyers, a ban on assault weapons and ammunition clips that hold more than 10 bullets. It was the most ambitious effort by a U.S. president to tighten gun laws in a generation and faces certain opposition among Republicans and some Democrats in Congress".It states assault rifles AND clips over 10 rounds. Well gee, how many assault rifles do you know of that carry more than 10 rounds "without" a clip?
      • Jan, 18 2013 05:37pm


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I am for the 2nd amendment. I am for LESS government and more FREEDOM. I don't agree with people who think that they need the government to be their guide and tell them what to do. I believe in thinking for yourself. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Sam Kinison, and Foster Brooks are my favorite comedians. I don't like Religions jammed down my throat, but I do believe in the idea of Karma because I have seen it in action many times. My creed is : I don't have any time for bullshit and I don't give it. The 3 things I love the most is playing and making music, riding my bike, and eating pussy. ( not necessarily in that order ) I also dislike rap music and think that everyone has gotten lazy in being creative!

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