    • Religion
    • Religion

      • I have written a number of blogs on this very topic right here, myself. The REAL truth is, those who believe will continue to do so, and those who don't believe will continue not to do so. I do not believe in God, but I really WANT to. My experiences and my life have put me on a path where I find it extraordinarily difficult to believe in God. Sometimes, I actually find it impossible and somewhat ridiculous. But we need to remember that the REASON for God is a lot stronger than "I want something to pray to." God gave people a lot of answers to a lot of questions, back in the day. The fact that those answers were wrong is kind of irrelevant. Sure we have science now, and science goes a long way to disprove the existence of God, but if we are to be truly rational aboiut this argument, we have to accept the possibility that Science will also be proved flawed, or completely wrong. New science generally makes old science look silly. The Flat Earth theory was widely accepted as fact, let's r
      • Mar, 31 2012 11:35pm
    • Let's Talk Christians!
    • Let's Talk Christians!

      • The Boible doesn't say anything about lesbianism. The quote you used refers to lying with another as you would a woman. Nothing was written to women in the Bible, as women were expected to be illiterate and subservient. not the equal of man at all, but his servant. You're welcome! Also, Christianity is one seriously nutjob religion. Thanks for being on the right side of this issue.
      • Mar, 31 2012 11:20pm
    • how in the fuck do you change your avatar
    • how in the fuck do you change your...

      • go to your profile page, and click "edit My Profile". Follow the instructions there. If it doesn't work, go in your Dad's room, and grab the Desert Eagle from under the bed. No, the other side. Now, eat that bullet. You're Welcome!
      • Mar, 25 2012 05:54pm

      • Wow. Read your blo. That is just ridic. It's sa to se how there's jus no resp arou here for geniu suc a youse.
      • Mar, 25 2012 01:01pm


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