    • Get Down With The GIFness
    • Get Down With The GIFness

      • Lately on this site, every single timeIlogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the commentsectionswiththeir extremely irritatingbullshit. Itseemsto me that all thesefuckwads do istrollaround all thelatest featured mediaanddroptheirflaming shit so regular usersmightseethem and say to themselves"Wow,thatperson is such a ***** forsayingthat, I'mgoing to reply and tellthemthat they arefags." This iswhattheywant you to do.They want to makeyou sopissedoff that yougive them aresponse that pointsout theirfailure.If you have done thatrecently, youjustlost to the troll. Tryingtoarguewiththem is their main goal, and youfellrightinto the trap. On anothernote,isn'tthis thereason why we havemoderators? Tostoptheaverage fat asstwelve year old fromslingingsteamingpiles of shit on thiswebsitebecausethey are made fun of atschool?Themodsreally need to get their shittogetherLately on this site, every singletime Ilogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the
      • Oct, 16 2011 06:50pm
    • Get Down With The GIFness
    • Get Down With The GIFness

      • Lately on this site, every single timeIlogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the commentsectionswiththeir extremely irritatingbullshit. Itseemsto me that all thesefuckwads do istrollaround all thelatest featured mediaanddroptheirflaming shit so regular usersmightseethem and say to themselves"Wow,thatperson is such a ***** forsayingthat, I'mgoing to reply and tellthemthat they arefags." This iswhattheywant you to do.They want to makeyou sopissedoff that yougive them aresponse that pointsout theirfailure.If you have done thatrecently, youjustlost to the troll. Tryingtoarguewiththem is their main goal, and youfellrightinto the trap. On anothernote,isn'tthis thereason why we havemoderators? Tostoptheaverage fat asstwelve year old fromslingingsteamingpiles of shit on thiswebsitebecausethey are made fun of atschool?Themodsreally need to get their shittogetherLately on this site, every singletime Ilogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the
      • Oct, 16 2011 06:50pm
    • Get Down With The GIFness
    • Get Down With The GIFness

      • Lately on this site, every single timeIlogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the commentsectionswiththeir extremely irritatingbullshit. Itseemsto me that all thesefuckwads do istrollaround all thelatest featured mediaanddroptheirflaming shit so regular usersmightseethem and say to themselves"Wow,thatperson is such a ***** forsayingthat, I'mgoing to reply and tellthemthat they arefags." This iswhattheywant you to do.They want to makeyou sopissedoff that yougive them aresponse that pointsout theirfailure.If you have done thatrecently, youjustlost to the troll. Tryingtoarguewiththem is their main goal, and youfellrightinto the trap. On anothernote,isn'tthis thereason why we havemoderators? Tostoptheaverage fat asstwelve year old fromslingingsteamingpiles of shit on thiswebsitebecausethey are made fun of atschool?Themodsreally need to get their shittogetherLately on this site, every singletime Ilogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the
      • Oct, 16 2011 06:49pm
    • Get Down With The GIFness
    • Get Down With The GIFness

      • Lately on this site, every single timeIlogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the commentsectionswiththeir extremely irritatingbullshit. Itseemsto me that all thesefuckwads do istrollaround all thelatest featured mediaanddroptheirflaming shit so regular usersmightseethem and say to themselves"Wow,thatperson is such a ***** forsayingthat, I'mgoing to reply and tellthemthat they arefags." This iswhattheywant you to do.They want to makeyou sopissedoff that yougive them aresponse that pointsout theirfailure.If you have done thatrecently, youjustlost to the troll. Tryingtoarguewiththem is their main goal, and youfellrightinto the trap. On anothernote,isn'tthis thereason why we havemoderators? Tostoptheaverage fat asstwelve year old fromslingingsteamingpiles of shit on thiswebsitebecausethey are made fun of atschool?Themodsreally need to get their shittogetherLately on this site, every singletime Ilogon,there has always been a group of6 to12dumbasses dominating the
      • Oct, 16 2011 06:47pm


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