    • Unsecured AR-15 stolen from Pro-Gun GOP Congresswoman's home
    • Unsecured AR-15 stolen from Pro-Gun GOP...

      • It isn't like I have a sign in my front yard saying I have a unlocked gun in my house. So idk how it makes me a target. My next door neighbor is a police officer who parks his cruiser in his driveway and he works nights so he is home while I am at work. I have a dog as well, so I think I am pretty safe. And yes, if my doorbell rings and I haven't invited anyone over I do put my pistol in the waistband of my pants. I don't trust people. Im not sure about your hometown, but where I live there has been a major drug problem recently and car and house break ins are skyrocketing.
      • Oct, 23 2013 05:16pm
    • "Dabbing" The new drug of choice for...

      • If you know how to make it, the butane will not be left behind in the finished product. If you buy it from some idiot, then yeah you may be in for a bad experience. That applies to almost every product on the market.
      • Oct, 23 2013 04:01am
    • Unsecured AR-15 stolen from Pro-Gun GOP Congresswoman's home
    • Unsecured AR-15 stolen from Pro-Gun GOP...

      • Have you ever tried figuring out a lock combination under duress? It isn't the easiest thing in the world. I am a heavy sleeper like most men are. If I only have a few seconds to react I would prefer to have a handgun close by. And if they break into a home and get one of my guns it's not like the bad guy wouldn't have got a gun from someone else had they not found one at my place. They aren't going to be like "oh gun here. Guess i cant rob someone at gunpoint anymore" Use your head dude.
      • Oct, 23 2013 03:57am
    • The Day I Passed My Maths Exam
    • The Day I Passed My Maths Exam

      • You have no idea what the kid might be going through. Maybe he has a learning disability. The video doesn't tell us this but if his dad reacted that emotionally, one would think there is more to the story. Even if the kid is just a slow learner, it is still nice to see that he supports his kid enough to let out a good cry.
      • Oct, 23 2013 02:19am


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