    • Offering Black People Free Trips Back To Africa
    • Prank: Free Boat Rides To Africa

      • Fact check.... One of those guys was white..... Don't apply a stereotype to an entire race based on the actions of a few.... Last I checked The unibomber was white, serial killers are mostly white, hitler was white, George W. Bush was white.......Idiot!
      • Aug, 21 2013 09:58pm
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's School to Make a Point
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's...

      • So.... Because the law says it's OK, you think it is appropriate to bring a weapon to a school, to exercise your rights? It's not against the law to bring a tank of gasoline and matches into a Fireworks factory, or to light up a smoke at a gas pump, It's just stupid to do it. They guy clearly knew that he was pushing the limits, otherwise he wouldn't have called the cops to let them know what he was doing. That was a smart thing to do... Common sense told him that there was a high chance of him being shot to death for carrying a weapon at the school.
      • May, 3 2013 01:58pm
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's School to Make a Point
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's...

      • I'm sure the one-off scenario will always exist. You can't fight the numbers on this. Gun controls works... Proven fact. Australia...Look it up. I have no issue with Police-Officers, on-duty or not, carrying weapons. They have been trained to use them and remain somewhat calm under pressure, more than the average anyway. The argument about, I have to have a gun to protect myself from the other people with guns holds no water for me. If overall gun possession is dramatically reduced, so is gun crime. @troym40 - "Use Logic".......How about the logic of an American 5 year old being give a rifle as a gift he then shoots his sister dead. Where is the logic in that? I suppose you'll blame the parents (which they are responsible, no question), but if the person who gave them the gun had a brain and said "Maybe this gift is not appropriate for a 5 year old." the kid would be alive. That is why it is necessary. The general public have no common sense and think because it is my archaic 2nd amend
      • May, 3 2013 01:51pm
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's School to Make a Point
    • Michigan Dad Carries .45 at Daughter's...

      • I fail to see the point of this video. Why exactly would you need to carry a gun in a school? The point of gun control is to restrict people from getting their hands on weapons without background checks and waiting periods is it not? If you are legit permit holder you have gone through the process already have you not? If all of a sudden you had a fit of some kind, PTSD flashback, something went wrong in your brain and you thought, I'll just pop off a few rounds at the **** over there, you would see some pandemonium. If you did not have a weapon available to you, it would not be an option for you. Therefore, no kids die.
      • May, 2 2013 06:05pm
    • Boston bomb suspects from Russia region near Chechnya.
    • Boston bomb suspects from Russia region...

      • I'm very sure that they'll both be killed and the patsy's are in place! As the public media heats on GMO's and bills currently in the Senate, I have no doubt that distraction of the masses serves as a benefit to companies like Monsanto with their ag-gag bills.
      • Apr, 19 2013 01:40pm


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