Sea Lion Attacks Kayaker
- These people were kayaking and came across a sea lion...
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Fat Orangutan Takes a Spill
- Someone needs a diet!
Greedy Hamster
- Real life Tom and Jerry scene.
Here's My Personal Info, Now Give Me My Obama Money
- Bronx residents get empty debit cards in return for...
Colacans Top Choice RETRO EDITION
- hopefully this will trigger some childhood memories if...
Monkey Vs. Cat Muay Thai
- A battle of epic cuteness.
Underwater Doggies
- Stick the furry types under the water and their faces...
Whips and Harmonica
- This is how you make it rain!
Classic Clip: I'll Get You B*tch!
- Police show up to deal with a dispute between a...
March 2012 Fail Compilation
- Brought to you by TNL and dopeboini99a
Old Man Hearing Music From His Era
- This is quite amazing.
Fart Noise Making Horse
- Horse has talent.
Hall of Meat
- No helmet...no sympathy
Goats That Sound Like People
Cat's Maternal Instincts Kick In
- It seems this kitty wants desperately to be a mommy.
The Best Of The Month: March 2012
- The B.O.M. has been dropped on March.
Sexy Fail...
- Almost nailed it
Man Vs. Canada Goose
- Attack!
School Wrestling Goes Wrong
- Damn! Not for the squeamish.
Dog Runs Into Room And Shuts Door
- This cute shepherd runs into the bedroom and shuts the...
Epic Pee Prank - Cop Only Edition
- Some of these Cops seem genuinely amused.
Alaskan Husky on Exercise Wheel
- Silly dog, you're not a hamster.
- Odd form of kung-fu being performed
Grizly Bear Cub Playing With Wolf Cub!
- Lil Bear plays with her best friend Tala the wolf in...
100 Greatest Nicolas Cage Quotes
- A compilation of Nic Cage's greatest moments!
Skateboarder Gets Hit By Truck
- He's twitching on the pavement.
32 Life Hacks For When You're In A Bind
- Some little things that may make your life easier.. Or...
Touched by a Wild Mountain Gorilla
- An amazing chance encounter with a troop of wild...
Cat Calms Crying Baby With A Soothing Paw Touch To The...
- Cat soothing a crying baby to sleep.
Kid Wrecks Hard On Bike Path
- Hello neckbrace!
An Owl Trying To Pet A Dog
- The owl is trying to be gentle and not scratch the...
That's Amore!
- A husky and a mckaw re-enact a famous scene from Lady...
DMCA - Bengal Cat Plays with Shiba Inu Puppy
- better then the WWE
Epic Javelin Missile In Afghanistan!
- Damn budget cuts
Ice Finger of Death
- Once it touches the ocean floor, it freezes...
Death Metal Dog Attack Vic
- He is also lead singer in a death metal band.
Death Metal Donkey
Raccoons Love Sinks
- and this isn't a pet, it just came in through the cat...
Gorillas Trolling
- Watch until the end.
How All Police Should Handle Protesters
- Someone buy this man a beer
- 34 Uploads
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- User Since: Sep 9, 2010
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I hate most of you degenerate cunts. Go ahead and mark my comments down- you know they are true and so do I.
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