Awkward Wedding Moments That Will Make You Cringe
- 13 cringe worthy weddings photos
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27 Interesting Facts To Increase Your Knowledge
- Learn something new today with these random but...
Geniuses Who Fixed Things The Easy Way
- There’s the easy way to do something, and the right...
21 Facebook Grammar And Spelling Fails
- Facebook grammar fails that ruin everything.
The Secret Behind The Disappearing Milk Magic Trick
- Have you ever seen that trick where someone pours milk...
Pathologist Suffered Backlash For Sharing Autopsy...
- She has received some positive and a tremendous amount...
26 Horrific Situations From Which Recovery Is...
- Bad days happen to the very best of us.
22 People That Make Life Harder Than It Has To Be
- Life would be so much easier without these people in...
20 People Being Hilarious With Statues
- Goofing around with the regality of sculptured art.
22 Extremely Powerful Images
- Touching photographs sure to tug at your heartstrings.
Awesomely Funny Comedian Jokes
- 15 hilarious stand up comedian jokes you need to see.
Crazy Fans Get Up Close and Personal with Their...
- The looks on their faces are priceless.
33 Girls Who Do Not Understand Eyebrows
- If any of them took beauty classes... they should ask...
Road Rage Ends Exactly As You'd Expect
- I wouldn't recommend messing with a pissed of Russian...
The Absurdity Of Arguing On The Internet
- Welcome to the Internet, where logic and rationality...
Video Games Don't Play By Your Logic
- 36 pics on video game logic
25 Most Depressing Home Offices Ever
- I bet they get a lot of great work done with those...
There Are 2 Types Of Girls In This World
- 15 pictures that prove girls only come in two types.
Relationship Goals Most Can Only Dream Of
- 20 couples who know what it takes to stick together.
Genius Attempts 2nd Story Beer Pong Dunk
- I don't think he took certain factors like gravity and...
Worst Candy Names Of All Time
- 20 funny candy names
15 Kids Toys That Are Inappropriate
- These toy designs are flawed for the reasons being....
25 pics of 'Nailed It'
- Another round of funny pics that 'nailed it.'
17 Guys Who Photoshopped Their Muscles A Bit Too Much
- Geeks who use photoshop to make themselves have look...
22 Funny Everyday Life Fails
- These people are flunking out of the game we call life.
Gamer Rejects Hot Girl For GTA V
- Do you like video games? Probably not as much as this...
Cheaters Caught Red Handed
- These dumb people on smart phones do not mix well.
Cool Opening Lines From Great Movies
- 21 awesome movie lines that started off movies.
Kid With Down Syndrome Flys In Family Photos
- This kids awesome father photoshops him flying around...
28 Intriguing Images That Are Truly WTF
- Odd and unusual things you don't see on a daily basis.
Mysterious Planet Appears Next To The Sun
- A woman spotted this unusual sight and began filming.
12 Things Back to The Future Promised We'd Have in 2015
- Awesome gadgets and futuristic technology Doc Brown...
Stupid People On Facebook Who Will Make You Cringe
- Funny examples of people being idiots online.
Crazy Birthday Parties
- These birthday parties were doomed from the start!
18 People With Awesome Senses of Humor
- Rad people that know how to be funny!
16 Unlucky Situations That Happen In Life
- Just when they thought things couldn't possibly get...
21 WTF Is Going On Here Pics
- Odd pics that will make you ask a lot of questions.
Proof That We Are Surrounded By Evil
- 17 Images that offer undeniable proof that the world...
Funny and Clever Pornhub Ads
- Attention grabbing advertisements that might put you...
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- User Since: Oct 20, 2012
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