10 Mind Blowing Facts About FBI That Only Few People...
- Rarely known facts about FBI
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41 Pics of Human Ingenuity At It's Finest
- 46 people that are clearly geniuses.
23 Crazy Facts That Will Blow Your Mind
- Rare random facts that will definitely add some...
19 Fascinating Photos From Our Fascinating World
- A collection of some fascinating and strange images...
Kid Gets The Ultimate 3 Year Revenge On The Bullies...
- This guy plotted the ultimate revenge that took 3...
Identical Twins Reveal The Horrifying Effects Of Drug...
- These 15 IDENTICAL twins are proof of what using...
20 Of The Most Photogenic People
- It doesn't matter what they are doing, they just look...
11 Reasons Why The '90s Wasn't All It Was Cracked Up...
- The current generation will never know the hardships...
Some People Are Complete Assholes
- 22 people you really shouldn't mess with.
Awesome Couples Halloween Costumes
- These couples costume ideas prove two heads are better...
16 Examples of "I See What You Did There"
- Funny pics to make you smile.
Hey, You're Doing It Wrong!
- 16 People who have no idea what they're doing.
19 Pranks That Would Scare You Sh*tless
- Unsuspecting people who probably need a fresh pair of...
Shocking Aftermath of a Robbed Home
- This robbery will freak you out.
20 Funny Snapchats That Are Very Weird
- Weird Snapchats will pretty much make or break you
14 Surprising Stats About Sex
- A few scintillating stats about sex that you probably...
The Science Behind Human Decapitation
- When the human head is separated from its body, some...
21 Insane Sunburns That Will Make You Fear the Sun
- This is why I stay inside and eBaum it all day.
25 Women With Impressive Talents
- Some people are born with natural talents, others have...
Husband Gets Revenge On Cheating Wife
- Revenge is a dish best served cold, well this dish was...
Naked People Drenched In Honey
- Let's hope there's a shower nearby, or at least a...
The Rich Dogs Of Instagram Are Straight Up Ballin
- These 'Rich Dogs of Instagram' live a lifestyle that...
Hitman Brags On Facebook, Gets Caught
- Johnathan Giraldo found out the hard way that cops use...
22 Sassy Signs Seen At Sporting Events
- Sometimes the crowd can be just as entertaining as the...
Grave Robber Caught Red-Handed
- Woman confronted when caught stealing flowers from a...
Wife Gives Husband A Cheating Test, The Results Are As...
- Ladies if you think your man is cheating, just ask him.
David Spade Explains Why He Really Doesn't Like Kanye...
- People either love or hate Yeezy. Spade has an opinion.
New England's Snowfall Is Beyond Crazy
- These 23 photos capture what is really going on with...
20 Funny Snapchats Totally Worth Saving
- Being funny just comes natural for some people.
Dad Shoots Son In The Head To Test Helmet
- This father decides that the best way to test the...
27 Of Life's "Oh Sh*t" Moments
- Everything from awesome to terrifying.
Guy Outs Gold Diggers By Pretending To Be A Celebrity
- How on earth does this actually work?
14 Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Eminem
- How much do you really know about Slim Shady?
Public Defender Is Unlawfully Arrested
- San Francisco police arrest Jami Tilloston for not...
Guy Gets Stoned For The First Time
- I think he traveled to another universe for a second...
Great White Shark Tries To Tip Boat Over
- A hungry shark tries to flip them into the water.
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- User Since: Jan 1, 2015
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Carolina was named to honor Charles IX of France and then Charles I and Charles II of England.
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