Shot by Police
- A man gets shot at 81 times by the police. The...
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The Boob Song
- It's about time boobs got a song devoted to them!
Fishing Line Prank
- This guy duct tapes thin fishing line to the walls at...
Hit From Behind
- This guy never even saw it coming.
Cute Tiger
- Tigers have such an adorable way of showing their...
Toaster Chicken
- This is the hottest new party game.
Head On
- Notice the guy bailing out of the train right before...
Cop KOs Old Lady
- Reaching into a cop's pocket is a surefire way to get...
Worst Job
- This has to be one of the worst jobs you can have. ...
Bar Fight
- A guy KO's two people in a matter of seconds.
Brave Pickpockets
- I can't believe that these guys are brave enough to...
Don't Go To Mexico
- Here are some disgusting photos from a guy who was...
Incredible Fight
- This is one of the most incredibly brutal fights I...
Bad Beat Down
- I'd be surprised if these 2 survived this incredibly...
Moving ramp
- Jumping a moving ramp, there are some key things to...
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- User Since: Nov 26, 2007
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