Having a Bad Day?
- If you thought you had it bad, this guy had it even...
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Whatever I like
- Obama is in the oval office, and he's feelin' good!!
Magnet Towers
- Move your mouse to stack pills of the same color into...
Jizz In My Pants
- The first single from The Lonely Island's debut album...
Bubble Spinner
- Bubble Shooter with a fun twist: the bubbles are on a...
The Anti Caturday Flash
- Its only fair to give to both sides of the caturday...
Yet Another Asian Compilation Sensation
- More hot Asian women put together in video form!
Unicorn in C Major
- Music video from www.stuckeyandmurray.com This is so...
The Racist
- This guy is hilarious. Look at what he does when he...
Weed Ramen Noodles Yum Yum
- I'm not much of a cook but my...
Having Woman Problems...
- Watch this helpful guide.
Big Girl Takes A Fall
- Classic: This had to hurt!
Sarah Palin Sex Tape
- Here is the recently leaked Sarah Palin sex tape - now...
Waiter Prank
- These restaurant customers are in for a rude awakening...
Josh Groban at the Emmys
- Josh Groban sings bits and pieces of memorable TV...
Driving and Masturbating
- I was stuck in traffic yesterday and just kinda...
Scary Noises at Night
- Some noises at night can be traumatizing for a little...
So Drunk He Falls Sitting
- This guy is ridiculously drunk...hilarious fall
Crazy Email
- A husband and wife were taking a vacation to Miami to...
- 5 Uploads
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- User Since: Oct 27, 2007
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