Destined To Be Forever Alone
- A collection of people who will most likely never find...
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Hopped Up On Anesthesia
- Those guys with the tall hats...
Cop Taken For The Ride Of His Life
- A cop on the hood hangs on for dear life!
Kid caught by mom putting dishes away and getting down!
- kid knows how to make his chores fun by adding a dance...
Play A Piano Without Really Knowing How
- Impress your friends, but don't take any requests!
Cat Learns About Jumping
- The discovery blows his mind.
How To Deal With A Crazed Racoon
- A Racoon attacks a mans dog and he responds in the...
A Bridge Connecting Our Universes - Through the...
- Very cool and easy way understanding the explanation...
What if Other Planets Were as Close to Earth as the...
- What if a celestial body like Jupiter, the biggest...
More To The Story: The Snowden Case
- Is all the hype and controversy just another...
A Failed Freestyle Attempt
- Sometimes you get once chance at fame, don't 'blow' it...
How To Take Your Cat For A Swim
- If he doesn't want to go, you just have throw him in!
Gay Atheist Jew Throws A Fit In Public
- Many lulz ensue
This Inmate Can't Have A Cellmate
- A fascinating story about how a man got a lifetime ban...
How to Lose Your Fan Base in Under 90 seconds
- Radio Host speaks from the heart, i guess. After 25...
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis vs J. Vallee
- What does it all mean? CampKillCommentary explains.
Ghost Mustard
- Who ya gonna call?
A Flying Drone With Handgun
- Guns in the sky, coming to a city near you!
David Letterman "Are Those Your Drums?"
- Are these yours, or are they rentals? Letterman really...
Budgie has some choice words for this kitty
- The look of "Please kill me" from the Cat at 1:20-1:25...
Nazi Dad Fights For Right To See His Son
- A pro-Nazi leader petitions a courthouse.
Tornado vs. Train
- Skip to 1 min. Mother nature shows train who's boss.
Dude on heavy acid trip Negotiating Stairs
- he is not all there
If X-Box 1 Were a Girl
- Lol dafuq?
10 Most Mysterious Photos Ever Taken
- Can you explain these "History's Mysteries"?
Man Vs Water Cannon
- Come at me bro... Ask and ye shall receive!
Skrillex Head Banged At Concert In Mexico
- On that day, it was Skrillex who was dropped.
Cute Dog and Jaguar Are Best Friends
- Playing rough and tumble with a jaguar would leave...
Conversation With My 2 Year Old Daughter
- A funny reenactment of actual conversations with his...
Prototype Video Game Consoles
- Prototypes of some of your favorite video game...
Chihuahua Hates Taking Baths
- A funny response to the "do you want a bath" question.
Top Gun according to Tarantino
- Gayest movie Ever
Creepiest vid on the internet
- See for yourself
Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal
- Why won't you eat this tasty cereal?
New TMNT Pics from the New Movie
- Pics of the "Turtles", Will Arnett, and Megan Fox.
I'm positive people have died in the making of this...
- Just think, this fellow could be your neighbor
Maker vs. Marker
- An intense battle between the created and the creator!
Ohio AK-47 Shootout
- He definitely wanted to die. Notice him yelling, "Kill...
CNN Anchors Fake Satellite Interview In The Same...
- Nancy Grace and Ashleigh Banfield keep a straight...
- 11 Uploads
- Profile Views: 1,981
- Media Views: 23,638
- Media Watched: 6,858
- Media Featured: 0
- Media Favorited: 380
- Last Login: 292 weeks ago
- User Since: Dec 15, 2011
About Me
Averaging only 3 stars on the internet, yet destined for fame in the real world, Magpieking was born borderline artistic.
Although wealth and power were not his main goals in life he was willing and able to take the helm of whatever life had chosen as his destiny.
Some tribal folk from his homeland in Crawley, UK were to have said "He was born ready."
At the ripe old age of he has already accomplished most of his dreams and aspirations.
Here are his top 10:
#1.) Get blown by a thousand girls at one time.
#2.) Make Mel Gibson go mad in real life just like he did in Mad Max.
#3.) Get blown by Mel Gibson.
#4.) Go to space.
#5.) Get blown by a thousand girls and Mel Gibson in space.
#6.) Consolidate all of my African spam investment debts in to one easy penis enlarging survey poker quiz.
#7.) skydiving with Stephen Hawking.
#8.) Bungee jumping with Dolphins.
#9.) Mountain climbing with Terry Wogan.
#10.) Take heroin with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Although wealth and power were not his main goals in life he was willing and able to take the helm of whatever life had chosen as his destiny.
Some tribal folk from his homeland in Crawley, UK were to have said "He was born ready."
At the ripe old age of he has already accomplished most of his dreams and aspirations.
Here are his top 10:
#1.) Get blown by a thousand girls at one time.
#2.) Make Mel Gibson go mad in real life just like he did in Mad Max.
#3.) Get blown by Mel Gibson.
#4.) Go to space.
#5.) Get blown by a thousand girls and Mel Gibson in space.
#6.) Consolidate all of my African spam investment debts in to one easy penis enlarging survey poker quiz.
#7.) skydiving with Stephen Hawking.
#8.) Bungee jumping with Dolphins.
#9.) Mountain climbing with Terry Wogan.
#10.) Take heroin with Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
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