Ogling Womens Breasts Good for the Heart
- Yes, Fox News confirms that staring at women's breasts...
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Cliff Driving Fail
- kid tries driving some golf balls over a cliff when on...
Man Almost Dives into Lake
- Also almost doesn't humiliate himself.
Airbag Prank
- Airbag hidden in a couch used for a painful prank
Samurai vs. Fastball
- slice and dice
Ticketed for Parking in Driveway
- Just how cheap are the cops getting?
Amazing Loop the Loop Car Stunt from Dunlop!
- Amazing loop the loop car stunt from Dunlop!
KO Karate Chop
- Can a karate chop really knock someone unconscious?
The Coolest Prank Ever!
- That Would Freak Me Out
Animals that use Water and Glue Guns to take down...
- Amazing, This is no joke! check it out and see.
Bicyclist Does a Back-Flip
- Unintentionally, of course...
Motorcycle Oops
- This guy's never riden a Motorcycle before, so he...
Random Act of Stupidity
- Actually the title is not really accurate..Since the...
Caught Jerking It In A Public Library
- Whats more embarrassing then being caught jerking it...
Skiing and Hang Gliding Don't Mix
- This shows why skiing and hang gliding are separate...
The Making of 3D Art
- that is so cool this guy can draw 3d art on the the...
Students Define Grinding
- How close is too close? The eternal debate between...
Insane Human Flying
- These guys have balls of steel.
Lobster Story
- In a small fishing village, a Newfoundlander was...
Funny Signs
- You don't see signs like these every day.
3 Cans Thief
- This guy steals a car using nothing but 3 cans
Korean Boy Singing "TOUCH MY BODY", By Mariah Carey
- Korean boy, Dong-won Kim singing "TOUCH MY BODY",...
Octopus Vs Shark
- Classic: An octopus fights a shark.
Guy Dives Into Ice Lake
- WayBack WHENsday: Nice faceplant!!!
Sarah Palin Gets Pranked
- Canadian comedy duo convinces Governor Sarah Palin she...
Bush Roasted
- At least he has a decent sense of humor.
Gay Zombies
- Classic Halloween: There's nothing quite as scary as a...
Where Do Babies Come From?
- A teenage girl comes home from school and asks her...
Presidential Dance Off
- This is definitely a better way of deciding the leader...
Big Girl Takes A Fall
- Classic: This had to hurt!
long fall
- Not sure the point but cool
Collection of Bush Gaffs
- Here's funny video of Bush getting his words all...
Why I did not make the Olympics
- Collage of Epic Fail
Gymnast's Hard Landing
- This gymnast misses the landing pad after a backwards...
Pole Walker Fail
- You know who you never see walking on poles? Yeah,...
Drive Through Bank
- Looks like they got more than some money
Homemade Bomb Fail
- Idiots
Homemade Bomb Fail
- Idiots
Homemade Bomb Fail
- Idiots
Nearly Hit
- This moron almost made it into the Darwin awards.
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- User Since: Aug 1, 2007
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