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- The insights are something that might shock you.
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Horrifying Scene Shows Asshole Cop Nearly Killing Teen...
- 17 Year old Bryce Masters was stopped, tazed for 20...
Mega-Douche KeemStar "SWATS" A Youtuber
- Seems like a great way to get your ass thrown in jail.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness! To view MMRs...
Sword Fights Can Be Sexy.....
- British swordsmanship.....well what can I say....lol
Funny Video - Invisible Rope Prank II
- http://www.funny-pranks.net for more funny prank video...
What would you do?
- A man returns home a day early from a business trip....
30,000 Dominos
- How much patience does this take!?
They Walk Among Us...
- People like these make you wonder how they actually...
Tow Truck Driver Owned
- This lady decides that she isn't getting towed, and...
Smoke Trick
- Lets just say this guy has some interesting skills!
Most Improbable Lil Jon Mashup Ever
- Go ahead, show this to your four year old..
Hamster On A Piano
- It's a hamster eating popcorn on a piano.... and a...
Kitty Whack-a-Mouse
- This looks like a fun game for you and your pet!
Annoying Noisy Dog
- Dude, I think your dog is having a seizure of...
Beating of a Lifetime
- A man walks into a beauty salon pulls out a gun and...
Water Squirts Out Of This Dogs Butt
- Funny dog squirts water out of his butt.
Kid Plays Guitar Hero Song on His Bike!
- You won't believe this.
One Second KO
- You don't want to piss this guy off
10 Story Shots
- Two men were in a bar, 10 stories off the ground. The...
Extreme Baby Gymnastics
- Great parenting there fella..
She's getting the raise!
- A Mexican maid asked her boss for a pay increase. Her...
The Mudhole
- A husband and wife were driving down a country lane on...
Chick Forgets Thong Prank
- There is nothing quite like making people...
Elevator Rapist Pwned by a Kid
- CLASSIC: Lol, sucks to be a rapist!
Paw Job
- This cat owner has his cat trained in an unusual...
Target Cart Fail
- You know these are thinking 'Why didn't we go to...
Project Wall
- Roommate Prank, we built a professional wall where our...
Hilarious Talking Cats
- This is freaking hilarious. Real cats with voices...
Ultimate Cat Fighting
- Classic: Some creative dubbing makes this cat fight...
Satan Kids TV Show
- Disturbingly weird creepy video of some kids meeting...
The "Whoa Lobsters" Kid
- Classic: This little boy can't decide if he wants to...
Little Blood Sucker
- Watch as this mosquito fills up on tasty human blood.
Idiot Jumps into Sign
- This idiot jumps out of a moving truck directly into a...
Cat Gets Revenge
- Happy Caturday!
LOL Cats #36
- Happy Caturday!
Your daily dose of cute.
- This may be too much cute for you to handle.
The Train Dodger
- Is this guy for real?!?
Adorable Marine Baby
- He takes after his daddy he does!!
Stella Awards
- It's time again for the annual 'Stella Awards'!...
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- User Since: May 30, 2008
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